I don't get it...

I don't think I've ever implied, nor do I think, that everyone should.

However, if it's a choice between Obama & part IV of the Bush/Clinton soap opera, it is an absolute no brainer to me. Anyone who votes for Clinton loses my respect entirely, and I have no respect for the intelligence of that decision whatsoever.

A lot of people like the clinton soap opera as you would call it. Get over it. It must really sting to know that not everyone is as "inspired" as much as you are. Again don't be sour grapes because your loverboy obama might not win.
If you just keep swinging at air I guess that happens every once and a while.

Still dont' think it was funny though.
A lot of people like the clinton soap opera as you would call it. Get over it. It must really sting to know that not everyone is as "inspired" as much as you are. Again don't be sour grapes because your loverboy obama might not win.

"Get over" the fact that in a nation of 300 million, we've settled on 2 mediocre "royal" families to govern for 30+ years?

No - thanks, anyway. Clinton voters aren't inspired; they're lacking in intelligence. I doubt even they will feel too overjoyed watching Bill & Hillary in a sea of confetti & balloons at the DNC this summer.
I am disappointed too. It is the old people. I think it is more about their support of nationalism/statism than race.

We should prorate votes based on how many years you likely have left. 60 year olds should get like a 1/4 of a vote of a 20 year old, at best. That would be a good pr system but it would be a tough pr sale. :)
I am disappointed too. It is the old people. I think it is more about their support of nationalism/statism than race.

We should prorate votes based on how many years you likely have left. 60 year olds should get like a 1/4 of a vote of a 20 year old, at best. That would be a good pr system but it would be a tough pr sale. :)

That would be sweet... America would be one big frat house :)
You're factually wrong; sorry about that, Grind.

Obama has inspired an entire new generation to get out & vote. Democrats have paid lip service & hoped beyond hope for the "youth vote" for decades, but it's never happened. Now, it is.

In case you didn't notice, Obama basically tied yesterday. This would have been unthinkable 2 months or even 2 weeks ago. If Terry McAulllife & Hillary's establishment didn't load up yesterday with 22 states (which they did to try to coronate her), Obama would have done even better - because when people see the guy & get to know him, they switch to him. Period.

He absolutely inspires people, in a way that the Hillary campaign does not. The Hillary movement is much more of a traditional "it's her turn" movement.

And you're wrong about Obama being all glitz & no substance; do you even watch the debates?

The dems have been playing the black vote for a long time. It's all fine and good as long as the negroes stay on the plantation and vote for the party's anointed. As soon as an uppity ni%%er gets off the plantation and gets an idea to run, the race card is pulled out. Very telling - and something I think the younger folks have no tolerance for.

Hillary has less legislative experience than Obama, but he's the 'untried' candidate? Give me a break.
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I am disappointed too. It is the old people. I think it is more about their support of nationalism/statism than race.

We should prorate votes based on how many years you likely have left. 60 year olds should get like a 1/4 of a vote of a 20 year old, at best. That would be a good pr system but it would be a tough pr sale. :)

I love this idea.

I don't know how any Clinton supporter can look at the fact that she only wins in the 50+ bracket & feel good about that, and still trumpet her as the "real" candidate of change.
"Get over" the fact that in a nation of 300 million, we've settled on 2 mediocre "royal" families to govern for 30+ years?

No - thanks, anyway. Clinton voters aren't inspired; they're lacking in intelligence. I doubt even they will feel too overjoyed watching Bill & Hillary in a sea of confetti & balloons at the DNC this summer.
