I dont know Butchie instead

Hahaha , that was the end of the first season.

It takes some thinking to understand it.

I find myself thinking about it like I do when I read a book, its definately not spoonfeeding like most TV.
Hahaha , that was the end of the first season.

It takes some thinking to understand it.

I find myself thinking about it like I do when I read a book, its definately not spoonfeeding like most TV.

No, it was actually cancelled.
Bummer, I thought it was just the season end.

Thinking and TV just dont mix I guess.

Its a good thing for Imperial Beach though.

I was affraid of what it might do to one of my favorite American Cities.

I plan to live there someday.
Bummer, I thought it was just the season end.

Thinking and TV just dont mix I guess.

Its a good thing for Imperial Beach though.

I was affraid of what it might do to one of my favorite American Cities.

I plan to live there someday.

The show was retarded. I like shows that make you think but that show was just weird for weirds sake.
Its about living with the past.

Its about seeing how the current events in your life give you a knew way to see your past.

Its about the innocence that people need to harbour in their lives to see the world with fresh eyes every morning to avoid the trap of an unchanging fate.

It was just done very artfully.
That is part of it , no matter how bad a situation that was she compounded it by hating herself and living and breathing that hate.

That hate infected everyone arround her just like Mitch's unbearable self love infected everyone arround him.

They were the oposite extremes of what we face in life.

Butchie was Us , he was the one who could not find his way in the mist.

He took lifes extremes and bailed on life.

John was the innocence and the Boy was the future.

The innocence came for them all.

The towel heads referance was how we are living this out in the global perspective.
Right but you don't even need to think all that much to get that out of it. The show just was boring and weird for no reason. So like what was the point of the two stuffed teddy bears? None. It was just dumb.
That was about the Hawiian and the gay guy.

They represented each charactor.

Again they were the opposite poles of the charactor who had had a defining momment in their lives which sent them in opposite directions.

They are both gay.

One fights the world the other fears the world.