I Don't Trust Hillary Clinton

As you have pointed out in the past, all pols lie so it becomes a matter of degree. Trump is campaigning so it scarcely matters. Clinton lies about her public servant job that's closer to criminal and there was no reason for it other than save face.

Celtic gives Trump a pass for doing EXACTLY the same thing he condemns Hillary for doing.
Trump had Politifact's Lie of the Year. In fact, he had so many they made it Politifact's Lies of the year. The number and variety of his lies is astounding.

"In considering our annual Lie of the Year, we found our only real contenders were Trump’s -- his various statements also led our Readers’ Poll. But it was hard to single one out from the others. So we have rolled them into one big trophy."


And when Trump's supporters found out he was lying they just turned a blind eye.


He hasn't lied. And that's why he's ahead in all the polls. He's believable.

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How quickly your forget "If you like your healthcare plan, you can keep it" was the winner for your boy.

I realize by now repeating the truth won't make a bit of a difference to a partisan hack who has already accepted the lies spread by those with ODS, but what they hey, the truth is always worth repeating one more time...

The only reason people lost their healthcare who liked their plan was thanks to INSURANCE PROVIDERS who modified people's healthcare plans to make them ineligable to be grandfathered as Obama planned.

Their hate for the man ran that deep.
kind of hard to lie under oath if you aren't under oath, isn't it. Zippity Dumbfuck?.....


kind of hard to lie under oath if you aren't under oath, isn't it. Zippity Dumbfuck?.....

Neither Celtic nor I said anything about lying "under oath", but you go right ahead moving those goalposts.

You won't condemn one of your own as a hypocrite, so the best you can do is deflect and evade.