I dreamed of the perfect nerd-girl

She's either engaged or married, all you Christians and Jewish people that lust after her just broke one of the Ten Commandments...
I can always count on you to be wrong.

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My son the Marine would say: If civilians say "Semper Fi" with sincerity and don't over-use it, like a used car salesman, then Marines are typically fine with it.

As a Marine Mom, I have found it's always better to UNDER-use "Semper Fi" as a non-Marine than it is to over-use it. As non-Marines, there is no way any of us can know all that those words mean to our Marines, who have earned the title. To act like we DO know, by tossing those words around all over the place, is a little insulting.

So, although Marines won't tell you not to say it, I'd suggest you use it sparingly.
Proud Mom of a US Marine!
Pretty much asking yourself WWWD? (what would Watermark do) and doing the opposite would lead one to a happy and successful life.
That's because you're a lib-tard, and would never dream of being "always faithful".

And that girl is definitely out of your league, and would crush you.
Semper Fi sounds stupid.
Well yea it does when you're sitting in a warm dry room comftorably in a chair in front of a computer I imagine it would sound stupid.

But when your stuck in a foxhole some where with a bunch of bad guys shooting at you....I imagine it sounds simply wonderful.