so you can't investigate corruption of someone running for office? what about crossfire hurricane? and bidens actually did stuff.
What pray tell did the Bidens do? Trump is a thief and a crook. Biden stopped a very corrupt Ukraine prosecutor from getting his hands into huge loan guarantees. What did Joe get out of that other than praise from the allies who were part of the loans.
The Bidens did nothing, however, Trump had something to gain from having Zelensky announce an investigation on Biden. Trump was doing quid pro quo. He would get a black smirch on Biden that he could use until Zelensky closed it finding nothing. Trump knows show business..Honesty eluded him. This was on the level of the insane "crooked Hillary" labels he used in 2016. She was investigated a dozen times and the Repubs came up empty. Trump is fighting and stonewalling his investigation. He acts like a guilty man would. Hillary testified under oath. Trump claimed he would too. Did you notice he did not.
Every time Trump lies to the people - which is most of the time - he is insulting them. He's assuming they are too stupid to see what he's doing, or too cynical to care. This is the President of the United States, and blatant lying is his modus operandi.
Why don't you feel insulted? Is it because you think you're in on the joke? This is long past a joke, if it ever was one. Trump hasn't made America great again, he has made it a worldwide laughing stock. And apparently half of you don't care.
comey treated clintons with kid gloves. ag lynch bubba bill tarmack call this a matter meeting? of papal pedophiiliac neocon abductioneers? mena?
What, your sheep lie to you? Do they pretend to enjoy it?
Piss off back to ignore, cuntyboy.
Every time Trump lies to the people - which is most of the time - he is insulting them. He's assuming they are too stupid to see what he's doing, or too cynical to care. This is the President of the United States, and blatant lying is his modus operandi.
Why don't you feel insulted? Is it because you think you're in on the joke? This is long past a joke, if it ever was one. Trump hasn't made America great again, he has made it a worldwide laughing stock. And apparently half of you don't care.
how do I make this so the first frame of the video is there instead of that dumbass retard hyperlink pos?