I felt stupid... Scammed by an asphalt guy...

So, I called somebody to come and give me an estimate of what it would cost to fix up my driveway, he got all into what he could do and I told him I just need to know how much it will cost to do these things... He says he'll get his folks and look at it.

Suddenly I hear equipment, he's begun work paving an area he was all excited about but I hadn't given any permission for... So I went out and he shows up suddenly, some work already done... and stupidly I let him continue.

I hadn't had an estimate, but somehow felt obligated. He was giving me a "smoking deal"...

I went out again and asked how much this is all going to cost me and suddenly they were "nearly done" and asked an exorbitant amount of money, and started threatening to sue. At that point I finally listened to what my gut was screaming at me and told him it looks like you'll have to. Then I inspected the work, it was not "done" so there is no way he was entitled to any of my money, let alone over 3 times what it should have cost.

His "agreement" that he gave me noted a specific amount of "inches" it should be... not even close. He didn't finish to the end of the driveway, it was just beyond a joke. It will likely cost me more to fix than the "work" he did was worth, it has negative worth...


How could I fall for this idiocy? I fell so frickin' stupid. Seriously.

little late. But in the future if you ever have a similar situation you call the cops and charge him with trespassing unless he has a signed work order by you. Thank you Judge Judy.
That's my guess.. Thankfully I know the DA around in these parts personally. I think they'll change the name of their company, or just stop using this name for a bit, then scam another idiot.

I still feel stupid even though I didn't give him a dime. I think I'll lose money in the deal anyway because I'll have to pay somebody to fix the mess he made of my driveway.

He obviously didn't bother to pull any permits, hence he was working illegally to begin with.

So he really can't do shit about it.
So, I called somebody to come and give me an estimate of what it would cost to fix up my driveway, he got all into what he could do and I told him I just need to know how much it will cost to do these things... He says he'll get his folks and look at it.

Suddenly I hear equipment, he's begun work paving an area he was all excited about but I hadn't given any permission for... So I went out and he shows up suddenly, some work already done... and stupidly I let him continue.

I hadn't had an estimate, but somehow felt obligated. He was giving me a "smoking deal"...

I went out again and asked how much this is all going to cost me and suddenly they were "nearly done" and asked an exorbitant amount of money, and started threatening to sue. At that point I finally listened to what my gut was screaming at me and told him it looks like you'll have to. Then I inspected the work, it was not "done" so there is no way he was entitled to any of my money, let alone over 3 times what it should have cost.

His "agreement" that he gave me noted a specific amount of "inches" it should be... not even close. He didn't finish to the end of the driveway, it was just beyond a joke. It will likely cost me more to fix than the "work" he did was worth, it has negative worth...


How could I fall for this idiocy? I fell so frickin' stupid. Seriously.
Sorry, it happens, it’s why I always find guys out of our local Consumer Business Review.

It was surreal. I wonder if I'll hear from them. I'll tell you... My guess is they would mark my property as unfriendly and not come back.

Theyre good at it, its their only income stream.
Doubt you will hear more and i hope you get checked off
But in any event they will leave your area before long, they arent called travellers not nothing.
Theyre good at it, its their only income stream.
Doubt you will hear more and i hope you get checked off
But in any event they will leave your area before long, they arent called travellers not nothing.

They almost got me good.... I contacted the Attorney General of CO reporting the company at least. Hopefully they won't be able to do this to any of my neighbors...
So, I called somebody to come and give me an estimate of what it would cost to fix up my driveway, he got all into what he could do and I told him I just need to know how much it will cost to do these things... He says he'll get his folks and look at it.

Is there any chance of a miscommunication on his side, that he told his people to look at it and they misunderstood?

Only a fcking moron (Hi Legion!) would tell you to run out right away and get a lawyer. That would cost you money and time, with little chance of recovery. I'd call a legitimate company and have them come out and give an estimate to finish the job. And, then decide what to next.

Look at the bright side, the scammer is already out of time and money, if you haven't given him anything. File a BBB complaint. Give him a 1 star review.
One summer vacation when I was still in high school back in the 70's, my buddy and I were hanging out in my house getting high and staying out of the blistering heat outside. A small work truck pulls up in the driveway and a guy with a toolbox tray gets out and comes to the door.

He says he's there to fix the TV set. Coincidentally, the TV had been acting weird. My mom and dad were both at work and I figured maybe my mom had called him, so I let him in. I noticed right off the bat that his tool tray looked kind of tossed together with just a few junky looking old crap tools, which made me a little suspicious.

The guy fiddles with some adjustments on the back of the set for a couple of minutes then says he's all done. Then he takes out his carbon pad, scribbles out a bill for about $25 bucks or so and hands it to me. I told him he'd have to come back when my dad was home because I didn't have any money. He said OK, left and never showed up again.

I've always been a fairly good sized guy, but as a teenager I was pretty thin. I'm thinking if there hadn't been two of us there in the house, the guy might've tried to whack me on the head then go through the drawers and my mom's jewelry box etc.
One summer vacation when I was still in high school back in the 70's, my buddy and I were hanging out in my house getting high and staying out of the blistering heat outside. A small work truck pulls up in the driveway and a guy with a toolbox tray gets out and comes to the door.

He says he's there to fix the TV set. Coincidentally, the TV had been acting weird. My mom and dad were both at work and I figured maybe my mom had called him, so I let him in. I noticed right off the bat that his tool tray looked kind of tossed together with just a few junky looking old crap tools, which made me a little suspicious.

The guy fiddles with some adjustments on the back of the set for a couple of minutes then says he's all done. Then he takes out his carbon pad, scribbles out a bill for about $25 bucks or so and hands it to me. I told him he'd have to come back when my dad was home because I didn't have any money. He said OK, left and never showed up again.

I've always been a fairly good sized guy, but as a teenager I was pretty thin. I'm thinking if there hadn't been two of us there in the house, the guy might've tried to whack me on the head then go through the drawers and my mom's jewelry box etc.

Did he actually fix the TV? Ever hear any neighbors comment/complain about the guy coming to their house?
They almost got me good.... I contacted the Attorney General of CO reporting the company at least. Hopefully they won't be able to do this to any of my neighbors...

Local cops can hurry them along as they are basically vagrants squatting on sombody's property while "working" the area.