I get to go vote against a few Republicans tomorrow


Villified User
That is how I have to view it. Not any of the dems I really want to vote for.
Not even any 3rd party candidates on the ballot.

You're registered repubican, right?

Just vote for the most most corrupt, craziest republican on the ticket :)

(p.s.: assuming those criteria don't apply to all of them, anyway)
Nope not primary, Guvner and a few more.

I did vote for the craziest one in the spring, our current guv.
Yeah, I vote tommorrow too. There's 1 Republican I'm voting for but that's because the Democrat is more conservative.

Cypress, we vote on odd years for state elections here in KY and MS. There's like two other states. It's supposed to seperate local politics from national politics, but mostly it just ensures our state is always about a year behind the rest of the nation, and we get annoyed by negative advertising more.
I'm voting against a Tax hike and a change in the Term Limits of the county's representatives. And I get to choose a couple people for the school board.
Is the term limit and increase or decrease?
They want to add another four years to every office. If they'd left out the Commissioners I'd likely have voted for it, but the Commissioners are all big land pro-inane-growth programs and they need to go.
They want to add another four years to every office. If they'd left out the Commissioners I'd likely have voted for it, but the Commissioners are all big land pro-inane-growth programs and they need to go.


I mean, this is a permanent change. It's kind of trivial to vote on it based on current reasons, if you think it'll help out the state in the future.

I mean, this is a permanent change. It's kind of trivial to vote on it based on current reasons, if you think it'll help out the state in the future.
Commissioners should not be in that office that long.

As I said, I'd vote for it for Sherrif, for pretty much all of the others, but not for the Commissioners. Not in a County that is still, barely, run by the old boy's network.
a 15% or better lead according to the last polls.
I don't care for him much either, but at least he is not a Bush clone.
Haley Barbour had a 60% approval rating (about the white population of Mississippi) last time I checked. One poll has been done, with John Eaves 35% and Haley Barbour 50%, the rest undecided. Haley Barbour is definitely going to win.

The Lieutenant Governer's race is much tighter but the Republican still has the edge. Granted, I hate Phil Bryant, the Republican, much more than I do Haley Barbour. This is the race that I really want the Democrat to win in. Jamies Franks is running about 36%, and Phil Bryant about 40%. The rest is undecided.

An oddity of the Mississippi constitution is that the Lietenant Governer is, on paper, more powerful than the governer, as he has a lot of control over the senate. The governer, basically, just vetoes and gives state addresses, and pretty much has no other power. Both offices, IMHO, are legislative, but they are still referred to as the chief executives... which is clear evidence that most of the people in the US have no idea what the "executive" branch is supposed to do.
I am doing what I can to help to ditch mitch. Then a couple of years later his baseball playing idiot bush clone buddy.

Kentucky Gov. Ernie Fletcher, a Republican whose lone term was dogged by a hiring scandal, lost badly Tuesday despite an election-eve effort to woo conservative voters by displaying the Ten Commandments in the state Capitol.