I get to go vote against a few Republicans tomorrow

Early election results...

The Democrats got owned.

56%-44% Govener

57%-43% Lieutenant Governer

I think I'm going to puke. Not only do we have Haley again, we have that fucking ditto-head fascist Bryant in. Progress has been killed in Mississippi for another 4 years. This state is hopeless and I hope it dies.

The lieutenant governer of Mississippi appoints all of the charimen and members of the various committees in the senate. Now that Phil Bryant, the hyper-conservative, has been appointed, that is 4 more years of a dead senate. No liberal or moderate bills will exit that body.

The funny thing is that the Democrats actually have a majority in the senate, but are powerless, because the lieutenant governer has so much of a hold on the chamber.
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You're registered repubican, right?

Just vote for the most most corrupt, craziest republican on the ticket :)

(p.s.: assuming those criteria don't apply to all of them, anyway)

shows how you are much more about party than principles. You should want two good candidates competing, instead you just want the republicans to lose for the sake of losing. it's pathetic.
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shows how you are much more about party than principles. You should want two good candidates competing, instead you just want the republicans to lose for the sake of losing. it's pathetic.

Where can one find two good candidates ?
shows how you are much more about party than principles. You should want two good candidates competing, instead you just want the republicans to lose for the sake of losing. it's pathetic.

Wow, those smiley faces don't seem to work.

Calm down grind. In two decades of voting, I've always voted for the candidate I felt was best qualified.

Everyone but one I voted for won :) I even voted for 1 Republicans for Secretary of Agriculture. And he won.
I voted for two Republicans and about six Democrats... the Attorney General, Jim Hood, is of course the only statewide office holding Democrat right now. So three of the candidates I voted for won.
Well, the term limit extension was defeated (probably because of the fact that the commissioners were included), the 1% sales tax is the first tax I have ever seen pass in our county, and we are now 1% above 0... :D
What was kind of funny was this Shawn O'Hara guy who was running under the Democratic ticket Treasurer against the very popular Republican incumbent, Tate Reeves.

He's a perinnial candidate who wasn't even really a Democrat. He used to be the leader of the defunct reform party, and he's run dozens of races in five different third parties. He filed for forms to run for every state office in every party. He won the Treasurer bid because he was unopposed in the primary (Tate Reeves was considered a shoe in and no one wanted to waste their time against him). He apparently didn't even know what the Treasurer's office did, because he kept on talking about corn ethanol and free online college classes. He was the biggest joke in the election. And he was running against possibly the most competent state treasurer in our history.

He won 40% of the vote, as much as the Democratic candidate for governer and Lieutenant governer. WTF? Do Mississippians even pay attention when they vote?
What was kind of funny was this Shawn O'Hara guy who was running under the Democratic ticket Treasurer against the very popular Republican incumbent, Tate Reeves.

He's a perinnial candidate who wasn't even really a Democrat. He used to be the leader of the defunct reform party, and he's run dozens of races in five different third parties. He filed for forms to run for every state office in every party. He won the Treasurer bid because he was unopposed in the primary (Tate Reeves was considered a shoe in and no one wanted to waste their time against him). He apparently didn't even know what the Treasurer's office did, because he kept on talking about corn ethanol and free online college classes. He was the biggest joke in the election. And he was running against possibly the most competent state treasurer in our history.

He won 40% of the vote, as much as the Democratic candidate for governer and Lieutenant governer. WTF? Do Mississippians even pay attention when they vote?
It's called straight ticket, Watermark. They are "yellow-dog" democrats. See that yellow dog over there? They'd vote for him if he was a democrat.
I know I voted mostly for Democrats, but I'm not stupid. If the Democrat is an incompetent fool I'll vote against him. I honestly expected Reeves to win in a landslide but I guess not to many people really pay attention to who they're voting for. Whenever the news guys saw 41% on the screen they were kind of stunned.

It also kind of points to how bad the Democratic campaigns were this season. Except for Jim Hood, every Democrat just about only got votes from yellow-dogs.