I got my tracking device injected today.

whatever you need to believe, craptastic officer corps.............enjoy your faux libertarianism

That's twice today you've bitched about officers and about the fourth or fifth time you've brought it up. Neither has been in the service for over 20 years...an little longer for you.

What does that have to do with you fearing vaccinations?
That's twice today you've bitched about officers and about the fourth or fifth time you've brought it up. Neither has been in the service for over 20 years...an little longer for you.

What does that have to do with you fearing vaccinations?

why do I need an explanation to justify a personal choice over my own body?????????? THAT is the main issue
why do I need an explanation to justify a personal choice over my own body?????????? THAT is the main issue

You don't. You don't need an excuse and you don't have to explain your reasoning. Obviously you can't. That's about par. Good luck! :thup:
I’m having a strange urge to put on orange makeup and dye my hair yellow.

These urges will continue, you will soon carry out these urges (get the cheap makeup at ACME).
The second dose will make you look down and finally face the fact that you have a tiny dick.
since over 1,000 people have become infected with COVID AFTER getting vaccinated, this puts you in the top 1% of idiots thinking you'll be immune
What % of vaccinated individuals does this represent?

How many of these people ended up in the hospital?

They never had to be hospitalized. No doubt they were infected by the MAGA morons who won't wear masks, and are transmitting one of the variants.

to be fair I personally know one person who came down with the virus more than two weeks after being vaccinated and had to be hospitalized.....recovered quickly though after they bleached him......
Why are you guys spreading lies?

Everyone knows that they can't track you if you don't update Windows.

And smartphones. That's why all the best patriots don't have either cellphones or computers. So they can stay below the Jewish Lizard Lord radar. ;)

It's always funny to me how the Alt-Right Qless Insurrectionists uploaded their crimes onto the Internet to make prosecution easier. Just like Trump told them!
since over 1,000 people have become infected with COVID AFTER getting vaccinated, this puts you in the top 1% of idiots thinking you'll be immune

Are you math-challenged? The vaccine is not 100 percent effective. If a thousand or so get it then it is way over 90 percent effective. Over 150 million have gotten vaccinated. A thousand people would be an enormous boost to taking it, not eschewing it.