I had a new member asking about this Orson Scott Card article....

Yep I only throw out badly outdated tech manuals, like for Win3.1 :)
All other books I keep.
I have about 20 file boxes full of paperback SCIFI sitting in my bedroom right now :)
Still got some moving debris around.
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"If control of the House passes into Democratic hands, there are enough withdraw-on-a-timetable Democrats in positions of prominence that it will not only seem to be a victory for our enemies, it will be one."

Withdrawal is only a victory for our enemies if we portray it that way.

There are a lot of good ideas on the table, starting with partitioning Iraq. And what would be wrong with declaring victory & leaving? Iraq has something like 300,000 trained personnel now...at what point can we say with confidence that they can defend themselves?

If we don't pursue some sort of timeline for leaving, we'll be having this same conversation in 10 years. Who is ready for that?

withdrawl is a victory for our enemies no matter how you portray it. Can you say "peace with honor"?

If a democracy doesn't work in iraq we can look forward to some serious fighting the region within the next few years.

Did you read his entire article or just scan it?
Yep, I rate him about with Jack Chalker.
Good but sort of slow moving and tedious.
Mind you, it's mostly a matter of taste. He's got a large enough following that I can't say he's bad per se. Well, I won't anyway. Popularity doesn't always mean anything. Consider John Norman, for example. ;)

Card's work doesn't do much for me, alas. I'm more of a David Brin, Gregory Benford -- run on sentences notwithstanding -- and Ray Bradbury sort of guy.
I go more for the concept and entertainment value in Sci fi.

Reasonable writing ability is a must though.

But then again I have read some of Bill Shatners Sci fi......