"I had my first psychedelic experience at 68"

there is something fake about this one.
The mandatory covid jabs should've been enough to prove to everyone that our entire healthcare system is a scam. Covid messed me up but I made it through by taking vitamin D and drinking orange juice.
Many people such as myself cannot handle those drugs

You need to be in a stable state of mind or they can be devastating

This is why they aren’t and shouldn’t be an option
you are a phony conservative

Do you also wish to ban peanuts? For some people, they can be devastating
Many people cannot handle many medicines or drugs. Many people cannot handle alcohol. To say, "it doesn't work for me so it shouldn't be available to anyone" is selfish and narrow-minded.

Also, "you need to be in a stable state of mind", is a false claim, unless you're claiming people suffering from PTSD or alcoholism are in a "stable state of mind".

Drinking a glass of wine and getting sick is not the same as taking an hallucinogenic that makes you think you are Superman and jump off a building
Most of us spend our life looking outward in judgement of the world. Psychedelics help us look inward and focus on our own mess instead of trying to fix the world. This can be done with a few doses and never used again. Big pharma keeps you returning every month for the rest of your life.
Well crap why not let Walgreens just stock heroin and meth on their shelves then?

Is that really going to be your argument?
way to move that goal post. You went from discussing idiotic reasons to ban relatively safe substances to discussing truly damaging chemicals

meth was discovered as a cheap alternative to cocaine BTW. cocaine is not cheap purely because of puritan laws.
Drinking a glass of wine and getting sick is not the same as taking an hallucinogenic that makes you think you are Superman and jump off a building

That's true, but your post is non-responsive to my point. Alcoholics can't stop at just one glass of wine. They down the entire bottle, then get in their car and mow down a family in a crosswalk. According to you, that means we should pull all wine off the shelves because some people can't handle wine.