I hate thanksgiving

My poor long suffering mother has hosted Thanksgiving for like the last 30 years. She gets picked on because she's the best cook in the family. I'm heading over there shortly to help her do the work. My sister is all ready over there. Even Dad pitches in to help though that's more trouble then it's worth. Mom usually sets him in a corner snapping beans.
Pretty much I get to learn a new kitchen each year. I refuse to let them set the venue at a place without a confection oven though. If it doesn't have a confection oven, I ain't cooking there.
It's boring.

Idiot relatives come over. Who I have to small talk with.

I hate turkey, it sucks. And I hate even more all the different smells of foods blending together.

I hate the macy's thanksgiving day parade. Why do they still have the charlie brown blimp? He's like 50-60 years old now. No one cares.

I hate learning about indians, and maze. and sasquatch or sacamento or whatever the fuck their names are.


I hate when my dipshit aunt tries to get everyone around the table to say what they are thankful for. Putting everyone on the spot. When no one else wants to do it.

I hate the uncomfortable feeling when people are saying grace and I just sit there awkwardly.

I hate it even MORE when some asshole asks ME to say grace. I politely always decline, which leads to awkwardness... cause honestly, who does that?

I was in the hospital last year at this time. I was happy I was there so I could miss thanksgiving.

The only bonus is lots of beer and wine. which I will be having a lot of, to make the day as tolerable as possible.

Fuck thanksgiving.

You know what? Here's a great idea for next year, and I apologize for not getting it to you in time for this year.

A few days before turkeyday, just come up with some lame excuse. It doesn't matter what and don't worry about your family buying it. If you truly spend the entire day as surly and morose as your post sounds, then your family members are secretly hoping you won't show so they don't have to deal with "ol Cousin Buzzkill".