I hate when France kicks our @ss

Yeah, that's right - you have to agree with Toppy's well-informed, historically accurate political analysis that Iowa is just a tiny state that doesn't matter & affect any of the other primaries, that Hillary is still the inevitable nominee & that nothing we have seen for the past 5 days is real, or you are a "moron troll"....
Wow this Toppy seems to be an intellectual powerhouse. I feel so intimidated.
interesting. :corn:

such a trouble maker you are.... apparently our resident idiot believes that only he can see the magical websites from other countries.

Note to the ever increasingly moronic Cypriss.... other people have access to the internet too. We can see other sites.
Watermark... go talk to a medical professional... doctor or nurse. If you are obese, you vastly increase your chances of something going wrong. The number ONE method in reducing risk is a combination of eating healthy and exercising. ANY medical professional will tell you that.

SF, you don't even know what you are talking about.
So tell me oh wise one of so many years... what do you think is the most prevelant PREVENTITIVE advice?

Folks, look at this, this is one for the books? We have WaterMark who had no need to prevent pregnancy, unless you can now impregnate a girl by saying her name three times out loud? And SuperFreak the libtard, who I have personally skewered to the point he was begging me not to do it anymore, and his lib cabalistas had to take pity on him and tell him to take a break? It was pathetic, if you remember it, and now he is trying to act like he would need to know how to prevent pregnancy, when none of the lib babes on here even remember his name, especially when RJS is posting, they are all PM’ing each other over who has the best chance at me?

Listen up, stupits, if you should ever have the need to know, which RJS personally doubts, condoms or birth control pills, will be preventative, for either of you with your average sperm. RJS of course, must use both.
Folks, look at this, this is one for the books? We have WaterMark who had no need to prevent pregnancy, unless you can now impregnate a girl by saying her name three times out loud? And SuperFreak the libtard, who I have personally skewered to the point he was begging me not to do it anymore, and his lib cabalistas had to take pity on him and tell him to take a break? It was pathetic, if you remember it, and now he is trying to act like he (edwards is toast) would need to know how to prevent pregnancy, when none of the lib babes on here even remember his name, especially when RJS is posting, they are all PM’ing each other over who has the best chance at me?

Listen up, stupits, if you should ever have (Edwards is toast) the need to know, which RJS personally doubts, condoms or birth control pills, will be preventative, for either of you with your average sperm. RJS of course, must use both.

ah yes, cyberskewered yet again by the "I have no clue what topic is being discussed" RJS. (Edwards is toast) Pull your head out of your ass and take a look around you. We are discussing health in general, not pregnancy specific. Edwards is toast. You should try to wipe the shit of your goggles.... perhaps then you would have a clearer picture of what people are saying.
ah yes, cyberskewered yet again by the "I have no clue what topic is being discussed" RJS. (Edwards is toast) Pull your head out of your ass and take a look around you. We are discussing health in general, not pregnancy specific. Edwards is toast. You should try to wipe the shit of your goggles.... perhaps then you would have a clearer picture of what people are saying.

Are you going to put RJS on IA since he just roundhouse kicked you in the face?
ah yes, cyberskewered yet again by the "I have no clue what topic is being discussed" RJS. (Edwards is toast) Pull your head out of your ass and take a look around you. We are discussing health in general, not pregnancy specific. Edwards is toast. You should try to wipe the shit of your goggles.... perhaps then you would have a clearer picture of what people are saying.

Superfreak, if you give me your address I will send you flowers, I was just telling gonzo I feel that after all of the times I have cyberskewered you, it is the least I can do?
Are you going to put RJS on IA since he just roundhouse kicked you in the face?

This is what happens when a man has average or below sperm, they get teste? Of course I would not know, RJS' sperm is so superior I have donated it to several different clinics, after all, anything else would be selfish? Where is Superfreak going to donate his sperm, overstock.com?
Superfreak, if you give me your address I will send you flowers, I was just telling gonzo I feel that after all of the times I have cyberskewered you, it is the least I can do?

Only if you deliver them according to the following two criteria....

1) You hand deliver them

2) Shout "Death to Bush" upon entry

1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington DC