I have a serious question.

Love that last thing there Lorax. Made me laugh out loud.

We've had this discussion before and do agree that national security is a very important aspect of alternative energy sources. It still blows me away when you see two people who want the same thing but won't work with one another because one wants that thing for a different reason.

I am not as concerned about global warming as Lorax. I think more in terms of national security. Still I would work with him to develop an alternative energy source if we were in a poition (kind of like the politicians are) to do something about it.

Now I expect Cypress to rush in here and start shouting CO2! Consensus! There is no other reason good enough! Blah!
Hey Cypress, self-proclaimed "superstar"! Is that picture with the U.S. flag YOU? You look just like Democrat U.S.Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee

What a MORON, Hahaha! You and Lady Teabag should get together, "The Moron Twins", Haaaaaaaahahahahahaha!

The picture is actually Donna Brazile, who ran AlGore's 2000 campaign. She said SHE was the alpha male in the Gore campaign.
They haven't killed anyone.
Who hasn't? Eco Terrorists are some of the most active in the US, harming mostly loggers with traps in trees. Yes, they have killed people. Just as people have killed doctors hoping to save a few embryos.
I have a lot of serious questions too. I ponder them, but there are no real answers. The how and why of the choices that people make are unfathomable.
This gal is an embarrassment to all cute/smart chocolate babes! I like that Amy gal on CNN cute and smart!
Amy Holmes does have a great smile, doesn't she? And marvelous eyes, too.
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Radical Environmental Group Claims Washington Arsons

Associated Press Writer


Fires gutted four multimillion-dollar model homes in a Seattle suburb on Monday, and authorities found a sign purportedly left by eco-terrorists that mocks claims that the homes were environmentally friendly.

"Built Green? Nope black!" said the spray-painted sign that bore the initials of the radical environmental group Earth Liberation Front.

Explosive devices were found in the homes, and crews were able to remove them, said Fire Chief Rick Eastman of Snohomish County District 7. The FBI was investigating the fires as a potential domestic terrorism act, said FBI spokesman Rich Kolko in Washington, D.C.
Why is is when YEARS ago, one or two people who believed Abortioists were Murderers(which they ARE), and killed acouple of them, the Media couldn't run the story enough times, but almost EVERY MONTH some NUTJOB, Drug-Addled, Birkenstock-Wearing, Smelly Unempleyed Fruitcakes do DAMAGE to PEOPLE and PROPERTY, PUT nails IN TREES THAT THE LUMBRJACKS GET KILLED FROM, but the "Unbiased Media" gives it one quick pass, on page 11?

These Earth Liberation Front Fruitcakes should be all rounded up, given a nice house, tied to the chairs, and then set the house on fire.


Hey Cypress, self-proclaimed "superstar"! Is that picture with the U.S. flag YOU? You look just like Democrat U.S.Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, who asked NASA scientists in a TELEVISED HEARING, when the buggy lands on Mars, will we be able to see the UNITED STATES FLAG, THAT OUR ASTRONAUTS PLANTED THERE, IN THE 70'S? Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahahahahaha !

What a MORON, Hahaha! She even got the YEAR wrong!

You and Lady Teabag should get together, you can be a Lady Wrestling Team, "The Moron Twins", Haaaaaaaahahahahahaha!

Where was the serious question? Or did your milllisecond attention span fail you yet again?