APP - I have a theory

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
The over the top reaction to President Trumps meeting with Putin was too orchestrated and too over the top to be believed. Remember, there are no coincidences in politics particularly with the left wing.

I wonder if maybe they are beginning to see signs that their vaunted blue wave may not materialize in November and this little episode was a way of saying "See, Trump colluded with Putin to sway the mid terms. We were supposed to have a blue wave........."

Just something to noodle around
Didn't The Obama say that there was no way anyone could meddle with a US national election because it was so decentralized?

Notice how the narrative has been changed- 'the Russians meddled with the election', when it used to be 'the Russians meddled with the campaign'.
Is that what he actually said?

No, but truth is not relevant to the right wing agenda just as it was not to you when you started this thread. It was not the "blue wing" alone that was upset at the lies of Trump in Helsinki in case you had not noticed. Trump had the opportunity to show some integrity, and balls, when beside Putin, yet decided to be the coward he is.
No, but truth is not relevant to the right wing agenda just as it was not to you when you started this thread. It was not the "blue wing" alone that was upset at the lies of Trump in Helsinki in case you had not noticed. Trump had the opportunity to show some integrity, and balls, when beside Putin, yet decided to be the coward he is.

I didn't start this thread.

I've also noted a similarity in the wording of many commentaries on Helsinki, which could indicate orchestration.
No, but truth is not relevant to the right wing agenda just as it was not to you when you started this thread. It was not the "blue wing" alone that was upset at the lies of Trump in Helsinki in case you had not noticed. Trump had the opportunity to show some integrity, and balls, when beside Putin, yet decided to be the coward he is.

Lol, that's exactly what Obama said. Skip to 3:30 if you don't want to suffer through 5 minutes of fingernails on a chalkboard.

Lol, that's exactly what Obama said. Skip to 3:30 if you don't want to suffer through 5 minutes of fingernails on a chalkboard.

As usual you are lying. Obama said the election could not be RIGGED. Of course, you have to actually be able to comprehend the English language to grasp what was meant.
I didn't start this thread.

I've also noted a similarity in the wording of many commentaries on Helsinki, which could indicate orchestration.

Yeah right. How many have you actually listened to? Guess your Republicans (Gingrich for example) was in on it too. Then, I suspect since the right wingers like Grassley, Ryan, etc., came crawling to Trumps ring after he "apologized" for his lies, the "orchestration" will continue on.
Yeah right. How many have you actually listened to? Guess your Republicans (Gingrich for example) was in on it too. Then, I suspect since the right wingers like Grassley, Ryan, etc., came crawling to Trumps ring after he "apologized" for his lies, the "orchestration" will continue on.

I've noticed what could be construed as a pre-planned campaign of disinformation about the Helsinki summit. As the topic of the thread states:

The over the top reaction to President Trumps meeting with Putin was too orchestrated and too over the top to be believed. Remember, there are no coincidences in politics particularly with the left wing.

I wonder if maybe they are beginning to see signs that their vaunted blue wave may not materialize in November and this little episode was a way of saying "See, Trump colluded with Putin to sway the mid terms. We were supposed to have a blue wave........."

Just something to noodle around
Aren't "rigging" and "meddling" synonyms in the context of elections?

Regarding the topic of the thread, have you noted a similarity or uniformity in the responses t the Helsinki meeting that the OP refers to??

Not at all if you understood the English language. Like I said, truth is not relevant to you as facts are not.

As to Helsinki, there was only one press conference, and they all heard the same thing, so why would the reporting be different? If it was something else then why did your liar feel the need to apologize, or "clarify"?
Not at all if you understood the English language. Like I said, truth is not relevant to you as facts are not. As to Helsinki, there was only one press conference, and they all heard the same thing, so why would the reporting be different? If it was something else then why did your liar feel the need to apologize, or "clarify"?

My understanding of the language differs from yours. I don't recall having a "liar", BTW.

Would you like to discuss the topic of the thread now?
As usual you are lying. Obama said the election could not be RIGGED. Of course, you have to actually be able to comprehend the English language to grasp what was meant.

It's on video dipshit. You are either lying, or in denial and didn't watch the video.

Starting at about 3:15:

"There is no serious person out there who would suggest somehow that you could even rig America's elections. In part because they're so decentralized".

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The over the top reaction to President Trumps meeting with Putin was too orchestrated and too over the top to be believed. Remember, there are no coincidences in politics particularly with the left wing.

I can confirm that there is an orchestrated campaign to undermine the President! Here are some examples:

Mitch McConnell: "The Russians need to know there's a lot of us who fully understand what happened in 2016, and it really better not happen again in 2018."

Paul Ryan: "There is no moral equivalence between the United States and Russia. The United States must be focused on holding Russia accountable and putting an end to its vile attacks on democracy."

Bob Corker: "When he had the opportunity to defend our intelligence agencies, I was very disappointed and saddened with the equivalency that he gave between them and what Putin was saying."

Lindsey Graham: "This answer by President Trump will be seen by Russia as a sign of weakness and create far more problems than it solves."

Jeff Flake(!): "I never thought I would see the day when our American President would stand on the stage with the Russian President and place blame on the United States for Russian aggression. This is shameful."

It's on video dipshit. You are either lying, or in denial and didn't watch the video.

It's perfectly obvious Obama was saying that the mechanics of the election - voting machines and so on - could not be tampered with significantly, "in part because they're so decentralized".

He was NOT saying that malicious propaganda, dirty tricks etc. could have no effect. Only a fool would say that (or believe it). It had an effect, but whether it was decisive in marginal states we may never know.
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My understanding of the language differs from yours. I don't recall having a "liar", BTW.

Would you like to discuss the topic of the thread now?

I am, but your so in love with your liar you cannot see it.

Did you ever find the difference between "rigging", and "meddling"?

Did you ever find an example of your other fake claim, "I've noticed what could be construed as a pre-planned campaign of disinformation about the Helsinki summit. ", or are we going to just play your usual childish game once again?