APP - I have a theory

I am, but your so in love with your liar you cannot see it.

Did you ever find the difference between "rigging", and "meddling"?

Did you ever find an example of your other fake claim, "I've noticed what could be construed as a pre-planned campaign of disinformation about the Helsinki summit. ", or are we going to just play your usual childish game once again?

As previously cited.

I have quite a few examples. Here is a summation:

As previously cited.

The video proves nothing. Using the words of Trump who denigrates America every chance he gets, is not an "orchestrated: conspiracy, or seeking to harm Russia. It is a reality that Trump lied, praises Putin while denigrating our intelligence community, etc. It is a tactic he has used ever since announcing his candidacy (Cruz's wife, Bush's "laziness", etc.) and he is also the first president that has met with a foreign leader and we have no clue as to what was said, or agreed to. You people whined about Obama's "open mike" comment, yet blindly accept this action (like so many others you have accepted)
Per my earlier response:

Again with the childish distortions of what was said. The first example you used was a response to countryboy where he called me a "dipshit

Quote Originally Posted by countryboy View Post
It's on video dipshit. You are either lying, or in denial and didn't watch the video.

Starting at about 3:15:

and then repeated what I had said as if I had not said it.

Your second example is again an example of how you twist things to suit your fancy, not reality. There is nothing in there that shows the difference between "rigging" (insuring the outcome) of an election, and "meddling" (attempting to influence) an election.
As I stated, and as I asked:

Been answered twice fool, now go learn how to read. Oh wait, you know how to read, you just like being childish.

"Your second example is again an example of how you twist things to suit your fancy, not reality. There is nothing in there that shows the difference between "rigging" (insuring the outcome) of an election, and "meddling" (attempting to influence) an election. "
It's perfectly obvious Obama was saying that the mechanics of the election - voting machines and so on - could not be tampered with significantly, "in part because they're so decentralized".

He was NOT saying that malicious propaganda, dirty tricks etc. could have no effect. Only a fool would say that (or believe it). It had an effect, but whether it was decisive in marginal states we may never know.

Didn't someone say that no votes were changed?

Been answered twice fool, now go learn how to read. Oh wait, you know how to read, you just like being childish.

"Your second example is again an example of how you twist things to suit your fancy, not reality. There is nothing in there that shows the difference between "rigging" (insuring the outcome) of an election, and "meddling" (attempting to influence) an election. "

Aren't "rigging" and "meddling" synonyms in the context of elections?

Regarding the topic of the thread, have you noted a similarity or uniformity in the responses to the Helsinki meeting that the OP refers to?
Aren't "rigging" and "meddling" synonyms in the context of elections?

Regarding the topic of the thread, have you noted a similarity or uniformity in the responses to the Helsinki meeting that the OP refers to?

Well, so much for intelligent conversation as if it were possible with a child like you.
Well, so much for intelligent conversation as if it were possible with a child like you.

Not an answer.

BTW, here is an example of the sort of thing OP is talking about:

Identical letters appear in 21 newspapers across 12 states slamming Trump's Supreme Court pick – and they're all signed by different people
Not an answer.

BTW, here is an example of the sort of thing OP is talking about:

Identical letters appear in 21 newspapers across 12 states slamming Trump's Supreme Court pick – and they're all signed by different people

The first question has been answered three times now, and I would suggest the child in you actually read the answer, and quit repeating the question. I remember when my children were about two years old, and used that tactic.

As to the second question, you didn't read the article, or you paid as much attention to it as you do anything else. If you had you would have read this part:

"The White House is shrugging off the technique, whose history includes similar campaigns from the Republican Party and the liberal"

Anyway, this is my last response to your childish attempts to smear those that oppose Trump.
The first question has been answered three times now, and I would suggest the child in you actually read the answer, and quit repeating the question. I remember when my children were about two years old, and used that tactic. As to the second question, you didn't read the article, or you paid as much attention to it as you do anything else. If you had you would have read this part: "The White House is shrugging off the technique, whose history includes similar campaigns from the Republican Party and the liberal" Anyway, this is my last response to your childish attempts to smear those that oppose Trump.

Not an answer.
But then she lost
