I have attempted science...

I was blinded by science once back in the 80's when I was studying gynecology. I fought thru it though and continued devoting a good part of my life to the study of poontang. Its a tough job, but someone has to do it.
How many times have you heard the same old bollox from the likes of Cypress, Arsecheese et al.

You would do well to remember that we've seen plenty of your half baked tripe on this forum, so you would do well by not pointing the finger at others.
You would do well to remember that we've seen plenty of your half baked tripe on this forum, so you would do well by not pointing the finger at others.

Speaking of Half-Baked Tripe from Thailand. I keep emailing the Royal Thai Police bitching about their pedophile king and how much Tom and I hate pedos. :thup:


Actually, very accurate. Most scientists would agree. Hypothesize. Test. Reach a conclusion. Lather and repeat. Science doesn't have all the answers, but it DOES have the questions. That's how things work. I prefer that to a poster with a Facebook post from Joe Rogan.

Yup. If you can’t understand that you might be wrong you won’t be very good at science. All scientific knowledge is tentative in nature. In fact when doing science you must demonstrate how you could be wrong and if you can’t it’s simply not science.

Scientists deal with what are the facts to the best of our knowledge and what the probabilities of those facts being correct or incorrect are.
Why isn't this common knowledge?

The most famous failed experiment in physics was the Michelson–Morley experiment, because it showed us we were on the wrong track in understanding how electromagnetic radiation propogates, and led indirectly to work culminating in the theory of special relativity.

You have to get it wrong most of the time before you get it right.

Lord knows I have. The hardest thing to do in science is to draw an independent conclusion that has a high probability of being correct. I think I’ve done that twice. The rest of the time I’ve stood on the shoulders of giants.
Lord knows I have. The hardest thing to do in science is to draw an independent conclusion that has a high probability of being correct. I think I’ve done that twice. The rest of the time I’ve stood on the shoulders of giants.

There is not a lot of glory in experiments which corroborate the null hypothesis, but learning where we went wrong is about as valuable as learning where we got it right.
I was blinded by science once back in the 80's when I was studying gynecology. I fought thru it though and continued devoting a good part of my life to the study of poontang. Its a tough job, but someone has to do it.

I'm sure that free porn has been a godsend for you.