I have changed my mind about Epstein


ButterMilk Man
From the first few days I have thought that more likely than not everybody knew that Epstein wanted to leave, and they gave him the space to do it. After watching Tuckers reporting today I have changed my mind, I now I dont know what happened.
From the first few days I have thought that more likely than not everybody knew that Epstein wanted to leave, and they gave him the space to do it. After watching Tuckers reporting today I have changed my mind, I now I dont know what happened.
What do you mean?
The OP is not clear. Epstein wanted to leave....what? The planet? Jail? His bedroom? Where?

Who is they and where did they "give him space?"

Find clarity.

Leave life, to suicide....I have looked into his life and concluded that he was not the kind of people who would want to stick around once the fun was over....that he was the kind of person who would voluntarily check out. I have thought that those who were holding him knew this and gave him the space to do it. But there are a whole lot of things that Tucker talked about that make no sense if that is what happened, so I for the first time am not confident that this is what happened.
Our ancestors concluded that those who sexually prey on the young are weak people to the core....I do believe that they were right....I would expect on like Epstein would look for the easy out.

But there is all this stuff that Tucker is talking about.
Leave life, to suicide....I have looked into his life and concluded that he was not the kind of people who would want to stick around once the fun was over....that he was the kind of person who would voluntarily check out. I have thought that those who were holding him knew this and gave him the space to do it. But there are a whole lot of things that Tucker talked about that make no sense if that is what happened, so I for the first time am not confident that this is what happened.
Ghislaine thinks he was murdered.
About six months ago I heard Ray McGovern, who is rarely wrong, say that this has all the signals of being an intel operation....said for instance that he had tried to find where Epstein did his claimed profession and could find nothing....and that it was a standard cover for intel agents.
Over the last weeks there has been increasing chatter on my grapevine how how The Swamp/Blob support of Israeli war crimes in Gaza shows the extent to which Israel has successfully hijacked Washington, something that Netanyahu et al are on recordings bragging about. That they would go so far as setting up and operating the Epstein intel/blackmail operation goes far towards explaining how they did it.