I have no respect for anti LGBT especially concerning bathrooms

so now you claim transgender people don't wear clothes

????....Houston, we seem to have lost communication.......

wasn't the question how people can tell which bathroom they should use?.......I am going to go out on a limb and speculate that every single transgendered person out there has seen themselves when they aren't wearing clothes.......
Until they can answer one simple question which bathroom should they go to? I have no respect for them at all. Is the hate so massive that they would suggest women going into men's bathrooms or vice versa. Or should they demand that all businesses across the country have to add two new bathrooms or any new ones. If so should their anti laws be implemented right away or not until the new bathrooms are added. Somehow they are associating this to religion but they don't have a clue what the real Christian message is and that some Christian messages overpower other ones and they have their order backwards.
To be honest with you as long as they don't squat and take a dump on my living room floor...I could give a rats ass less where they go to the bathroom.

This is another divide and conquer wedge issue designed to get illiterate proles and partisans panties in a wad.