I Have Not Eaten Out Since March 2020. We Need The Proposed $1400 Payments.

Hello T. A. Gardner,

That all makes sense and works for me. I have far, far more concerns about some of the places I go to do service work than I do about catching Chinese Disease. Last week one apartment complex I was at (they look like they're converted older condo's), as I approached the one I was going to a large silver-grey pit bull charged me. Standing still he didn't bite but that was a more immediate issue than wearing a mask--which probably would have incited the animal further--or catching Chinese Disease was.

Not the first or last time I'll face that. But I am more concerned about something like that than catching something.

Fine, that covers your own concerns about you. What about spreading it to others? I would not feel good about being a conduit for something that killed somebody else.
I get that.

Didn't newsome just reopen the state at 15% infection rate?

lets start there.

I have a whole list of shit he failed at, same with cuomo here in NY.

Well it only stands to reason that to keep things closed down longer, the government will have to step in to reimburse the business losses and supplant missing paychecks. Time for the US Congress to get on with passing that next stimulus bill. Without such a bill being signed into law state governments cannot afford for states to remain closed down, and neither can businesses. Many jobs are on the line.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Fine, that covers your own concerns about you. What about spreading it to others? I would not feel good about being a conduit for something that killed somebody else.

I'm hardly concerned. If I catch it or think I might have gotten it, I'll get tested again. Just like when I had the cold, I stopped taking jobs for over a week just to be safe. I'm not stupid but I'm also not insane. Safety comes third with me. It's about personal responsibility rather than a paternal nanny state telling me what's good for me. I'm responsible for my safety, you for yours, not the government.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

I'm hardly concerned. If I catch it or think I might have gotten it, I'll get tested again. Just like when I had the cold, I stopped taking jobs for over a week just to be safe. I'm not stupid but I'm also not insane. Safety comes third with me. It's about personal responsibility rather than a paternal nanny state telling me what's good for me. I'm responsible for my safety, you for yours, not the government.

During a pandemic we must all fight to protect one another. We are in this war together and we are all on the same side. The human side. The bug is the enemy. We must rely on government to coordinate our efforts. Obviously that didn't happen very well under the previous administration. The USA racked up an atrocious death toll. We need a comprehensive science-driven coordinated approach from respected leadership to win this war. The election is over. Now it is time to rally behind our new leader and give him a chance to show us what he can do. President Biden is our leader. He is the president for all Americans. Our country will do her best when we all work together toward a solution.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

During a pandemic we must all fight to protect one another. We are in this war together and we are all on the same side. The human side. The bug is the enemy. We must rely on government to coordinate our efforts. Obviously that didn't happen very well under the previous administration. The USA racked up an atrocious death toll. We need a comprehensive science-driven coordinated approach from respected leadership to win this war. The election is over. Now it is time to rally behind our new leader and give him a chance to show us what he can do. President Biden is our leader. He is the president for all Americans. Our country will do her best when we all work together toward a solution.

For those who are already on the margins of society, living in crappy housing and apartments, faced with crime, drugs, and shitbag landlords, Chinese Disease takes a distant tenth in line of their problems. I can see that clearly when I go to fix their electric problems. Their day-to-day problems are far bigger than possibly catching Chinese Disease and facing a 1% or less chance of dying.

Which is more important to you? You live in an apartment that saw two murders in the last two weeks within blocks of where you live. Several vehicles parked in your complex were broken into. Some homeless drug addict OD'd in the parking lot. You started to go out on your walled porch and there was a homeless bum on it demanding money. You went to do your laundry in the complex laundry room and their are two drug addicts so high they are vomiting on themselves.
Is your big worry catching Chinese Disease? I think not. There are several complexes I've been to now where I'm damn glad I took the 9mm with me. I was more worried about some ass wipe B&Eing my truck than catching some disease.

Biden is 3000 miles away and of ZERO use to me or these people. They don't give a shit what Fauci, the CDC, or some politician in DC has to say. They care that their car is intact in the morning, that they can pay their rent, that their neighbors are drug addled, psychotic animals.

They are thankful that someone will show up and fix their apartment so their lives are a bit more comfortable. They don't care particularly that you wear a mask. They have a larger reality to deal with.

After three wars, and at least a half-dozen serious "civil disturbances" I have their perspective. Chinese Disease is nothing compared to that. So, if I don't wear a mask, too bad for you that you are uncomfortable. Go back to your safe space and live a life of fear.
After the damage that's been done to our economy if you're sitting here begging for only $1,400 then you're a serf, and always will be.

I lost a lot more than $1,400 because of this bullshit and I've not received one dime in return.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

For those who are already on the margins of society, living in crappy housing and apartments, faced with crime, drugs, and shitbag landlords, Chinese Disease takes a distant tenth in line of their problems. I can see that clearly when I go to fix their electric problems. Their day-to-day problems are far bigger than possibly catching Chinese Disease and facing a 1% or less chance of dying.

Which is more important to you? You live in an apartment that saw two murders in the last two weeks within blocks of where you live. Several vehicles parked in your complex were broken into. Some homeless drug addict OD'd in the parking lot. You started to go out on your walled porch and there was a homeless bum on it demanding money. You went to do your laundry in the complex laundry room and their are two drug addicts so high they are vomiting on themselves.
Is your big worry catching Chinese Disease? I think not. There are several complexes I've been to now where I'm damn glad I took the 9mm with me. I was more worried about some ass wipe B&Eing my truck than catching some disease.

Biden is 3000 miles away and of ZERO use to me or these people. They don't give a shit what Fauci, the CDC, or some politician in DC has to say. They care that their car is intact in the morning, that they can pay their rent, that their neighbors are drug addled, psychotic animals.

They are thankful that someone will show up and fix their apartment so their lives are a bit more comfortable. They don't care particularly that you wear a mask. They have a larger reality to deal with.

After three wars, and at least a half-dozen serious "civil disturbances" I have their perspective. Chinese Disease is nothing compared to that. So, if I don't wear a mask, too bad for you that you are uncomfortable. Go back to your safe space and live a life of fear.

Thanks for the perspective but no thanks for the attitude. We can each only truly know our own experiences and impressions. No two of us humans are alike. The differences are fascinating. Multiply our wildly various individual lives by 332 million to form the USA. It's a big wide world and we are all just doing what we can to live our own lives as we also participate in this grand experiment in self-rule called America. Now we find ourselves sharing a common enemy in COVID-19. The common understanding is that we can more effectively deal with this threat if we work together at it. That means trusting government. Some will have an easier time with that than others. Some will be unable to look beyond their own day-to-day lives to even think about the big picture.

Many on the right resent government. That always baffled me. Why would people who resent government want to get elected and become part of what they resent? I see conservatives as very strange. Does government have problems? Of course it does. Always has, always will have. Does that mean we have any other options? Nope. Gotta have a government. The logical thing to do is constantly be looking for ways to improve it, make it work better for us. We have to have a government to manage our country. Couldn't have a country without it.

It's logical that people who resent government don't want to listen when government says we need to do something, change the way we live our lives. But national and world issues won't go away just because we choose to ignore them. We are lucky in the USA. We really do get to choose our own leaders. That's precious. A lot of countries don't really have that. Democracy is really more important than any one particular leader.

Once we complete that process, the best thing we can do is to give the new guy a chance. We have to let go of the old guy and give the new guy a chance. The future Americans are counting on us to do that one thing, just as previous Americans have done for us every election since our beginning. We have to preserve and pass down our democracy.

Our new leader is taking the coronavirus seriously and asking us to cooperate. The things being asked of us are not so horrible. Wearing a mask isn't so bad. Yeah, it's worse for some than others. Take a guy who smokes and doesn't get his teeth cleaned as often as he should, wow. That's gonna be some monster breath inside that mask. Somebody like that is gonna make up all kinds of reasons why he shouldn't have to wear a mask. Anything rather than deal with the real reasons. Specially if he's got a job that would require a lot of mask wearing.

We are in a war. Some will have to give more than others. That's the way wars are. Like it or not, that's when we find out what people are made of.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Thanks for the perspective but no thanks for the attitude. We can each only truly know our own experiences and impressions. No two of us humans are alike. The differences are fascinating. Multiply our wildly various individual lives by 332 million to form the USA. It's a big wide world and we are all just doing what we can to live our own lives as we also participate in this grand experiment in self-rule called America. Now we find ourselves sharing a common enemy in COVID-19. The common understanding is that we can more effectively deal with this threat if we work together at it. That means trusting government. Some will have an easier time with that than others. Some will be unable to look beyond their own day-to-day lives to even think about the big picture.

Many on the right resent government. That always baffled me. Why would people who resent government want to get elected and become part of what they resent? I see conservatives as very strange. Does government have problems? Of course it does. Always has, always will have. Does that mean we have any other options? Nope. Gotta have a government. The logical thing to do is constantly be looking for ways to improve it, make it work better for us. We have to have a government to manage our country. Couldn't have a country without it.

It's logical that people who resent government don't want to listen when government says we need to do something, change the way we live our lives. But national and world issues won't go away just because we choose to ignore them. We are lucky in the USA. We really do get to choose our own leaders. That's precious. A lot of countries don't really have that. Democracy is really more important than any one particular leader.

Once we complete that process, the best thing we can do is to give the new guy a chance. We have to let go of the old guy and give the new guy a chance. The future Americans are counting on us to do that one thing, just as previous Americans have done for us every election since our beginning. We have to preserve and pass down our democracy.

Our new leader is taking the coronavirus seriously and asking us to cooperate. The things being asked of us are not so horrible. Wearing a mask isn't so bad. Yeah, it's worse for some than others. Take a guy who smokes and doesn't get his teeth cleaned as often as he should, wow. That's gonna be some monster breath inside that mask. Somebody like that is gonna make up all kinds of reasons why he shouldn't have to wear a mask. Anything rather than deal with the real reasons. Specially if he's got a job that would require a lot of mask wearing.

We are in a war. Some will have to give more than others. That's the way wars are. Like it or not, that's when we find out what people are made of.

you're a totalitarian. shut your fetid lie-hole please.

anti maskers are dirty mouth people. lol. you suck at propaganda.