I hope the American people wake up soon and ask this President be impeached.

should I call a waaaambulance?
frankly, I don't give a damn if you take me seriously..since you just came back here it seems, cause I hadn't really seen you around, I'll have to read more from you to judge if I will take you seriously, but from the looks so far, I'd say no...:cof1:

Oh, don't ever take me serious on some things, I am very sarcastic!
You could start a movement and see where it goes. (Nowhere.)

Just like all of us who joined Impeachbush.org and are still waiting for the big day to arrive. :)

he took an oath to cause no harm and to protect our constitution...

In just a few short months, he has caused us nothing but harm economically, is acting like a dictator, and has spit on our Constitution..
You could start a movement and see where it goes. (Nowhere.)

Just like all of us who joined Impeachbush.org and are still waiting for the big day to arrive. :)

I don't have to start one, there already is one..wouldn't it be sweet to see another Democrat President impeached...I just hope it's done in time..:cool:
Wow, that didn't take long to spring up. We far lefties at least gave bu$h a chance to accumulate some charges against himself. What, specifically, would you use to impeach Obama? Dismantling the Constitution seems a bit vague.

I don't have to start one, there already is one..wouldn't it be sweet to see another Democrat President impeached...I just hope it's done in time..:cool:
New WSJ poll - that's the conservative WSJ.

Not sure what your 401K is invested in, but mine has gone up over the past 3 weeks, going on 4, as have most Americans.

If the GOP had their way over the past few months, the big 3 would be gone, as would 3-4 more huge banks, and the stock market would be around 3,000.

And just this morning caught a poll from FAUX NEWS that rates approval for Obama at 58%! So even the propaganda arm of the Republican party has him rated higher than 50%.
And just this morning caught a poll from FAUX NEWS that rates approval for Obama at 58%! So even the propaganda arm of the Republican party has him rated higher than 50%.

well, he's only fallen about 70 points in three months, not bad for someone so loooovvvveeeeddd..
New WSJ poll - that's the conservative WSJ.

Not sure what your 401K is invested in, but mine has gone up over the past 3 weeks, going on 4, as have most Americans.

If the GOP had their way over the past few months, the big 3 would be gone, as would 3-4 more huge banks, and the stock market would be around 3,000.

it is called a bear rally....good luck....

the taxpers would not be 2 trillion dollars more in debt and the fed would not have printed and flooded the market with 1 trillion dollars.....

2 of the big three would have filed for bk protection same as the airlines did years ago ... ford refused funds ....

which 3-4 banks would have failed .....
well you would thinks so by the way the Obamabots talk about it...:cof1:

well, he's only fallen about 70 points in three months, not bad for someone so loooovvvveeeeddd..

Oh good. Another Rightie who can't deal in facts. So Obama's approval numbers fell from 128% approval to the number I quoted of 58%?

Focus like a laser beam please. Please try to avoid the hyperbole and things might actually get discussed.