“I killed 900 infidels, and I raped 250 women, including 50 young girls.”

Hezbollah were responsible for the bombing of over 300 US and French military in Beirut.

On October 23, 1983, Hizballah killed 241 U.S. military personnel, including 220 Marines, 18 sailors, and three soldiers in a terrorist bombing of the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut, Lebanon. Minutes later, a second suicide bomber killed 58 French paratroopers. Six innocent Lebanese civilians also lost their lives.

What were US and French military troops doing in in Beirut?
I have not seen that, but generally the Africans see that the American Empire hurts them more than helps, has no future, and so they are throwing in with the New World Order under the New Chinese Empire.
It doesn't make sense because Central African countries are kicking US and French military troops out with the help of Putin and Xi.
It doesn't make sense because Central African countries are kicking US and French military troops out with the help of Putin and Xi.
And the Chinese are offering and in some cases doing building infrastructure in Africa that helps Africans, where as the Americans never had any interest in doing that because the plan was to use Africa for cheap labor in a pivot from Asia.....keeping Africa poor and hungry for a better life was the program.....we are as Putin says vampires.
And the Chinese are offering and in some cases doing building infrastructure in Africa that helps Africans, where as the Americans never had any interest in doing that because the plan was to use Africa for cheap labor in a pivot from Asia.....keeping Africa poor and hungry for a better life was the program.....we are as Putin says vampires.
When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said “let us pray.” We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land.
~attributed to Desmond Tutu

This animal needs to be dealt with.

and they bring people like him here

Woodchipper and a pig farm. Sell the bacon to the Muslims...

How do you chuckleheads even know if the captions in the video accurately represents what he was really saying, since I'm reasonably positive none of you speak Farsi or whatever middle eastern language he's speaking?

I cannot get over how you trumpers refuse to believe anything you hear about trump's crimes and wrongdoings or anything you read or hear in the mainstream media.

But let some pro-trumper a-hole post a video on social media that plays into your agenda by impugning an entire race or ethnicity or religious faith, and you don't utter one question about its authenticity.

What a bunch of gullible rubes you morons are.

No wonder it's so easy for a con artist like trump to lead you around by the noses.
When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said “let us pray.” We closed our eyes. When we opened them, we had the Bible and they had the land.
~attributed to Desmond Tutu

This was back in 2013, it's got much worse since then.

China goes to great lengths to differentiate its engagement in Africa from the continent’s former European colonizers by emphasizing so-called “win-win development.” Chinese leaders regularly visit Africa where they emphatically reject the accusation of neo-colonialism and that Beijing is only interested in exploiting the continent’s natural resources.

The reality, though, is much more complicated, according to Financial Times Investigations Correspondent Tom Burgis. The Chinese, writes Burgis in his new book The Looting Machine, are just the latest entrant in Africa’s “looting machine” where, through collusion with corrupt African elites, the continent’s wealth and resources are plundered on a staggering scale.

Burgis emphasizes that it would not be accurate to equate China’s participation in the “looting machine” to that of the former imperial powers that once ruled Africa. Instead, he says, the Chinese in Africa are often operating within the parameters of global capitalism, a system that implicates all of us who buy goods in today’s borderless market.

Burgis joins Eric and Cobus this week to discuss the darker, more nefarious side of China’s engagement in Africa

Highly unlikely to be true.

You're truly a sad case these days, it's well documented that IS raped, tortured and killed many thousands of Yazidi girls and women.

The Kurdish Peshmerga forces mandated to protect the area abandoned bases and checkpoints, leaving the local population unprotected and largely defenseless in the face of IS's advance. In the hours and days that followed, approximately 12,000 Yazidis were killed or abducted by IS.

You're truly a sad case these days, it's well documented that IS raped, tortured and killed many thousands of Yazidi girls and women.

The Kurdish Peshmerga forces mandated to protect the area abandoned bases and checkpoints, leaving the local population unprotected and largely defenseless in the face of IS's advance. In the hours and days that followed, approximately 12,000 Yazidis were killed or abducted by IS.

Hawk is a Islam terror supporter
How do you chuckleheads even know if the captions in the video accurately represents what he was really saying, since I'm reasonably positive none of you speak Farsi or whatever middle eastern language he's speaking?

I cannot get over how you trumpers refuse to believe anything you hear about trump's crimes and wrongdoings or anything you read or hear in the mainstream media.

But let some pro-trumper a-hole post a video on social media that plays into your agenda by impugning an entire race or ethnicity or religious faith, and you don't utter one question about its authenticity.

What a bunch of gullible rubes you morons are.

No wonder it's so easy for a con artist like trump to lead you around by the noses.
Don't care if that fuckstick's claims are accurate or not. Woodchipper, pig slop, bacon sold to Muslims. Problem solved.
What were US and French military troops doing in in Beirut?
How do you chuckleheads even know if the captions in the video accurately represents what he was really saying, since I'm reasonably positive none of you speak Farsi or whatever middle eastern language he's speaking?

I cannot get over how you trumpers refuse to believe anything you hear about trump's crimes and wrongdoings or anything you read or hear in the mainstream media.

But let some pro-trumper a-hole post a video on social media that plays into your agenda by impugning an entire race or ethnicity or religious faith, and you don't utter one question about its authenticity.

What a bunch of gullible rubes you morons are.

No wonder it's so easy for a con artist like trump to lead you around by the noses.

It is a video news item from the BBC, shut the fuck up!!