I like candles


on indefiniate mod break
Candles are awesome.

They create great mood
The flickering is awesome
They are relaxing.

Candles rule. :good4u: :loveu::loveu::loveu:
its the flame

natural light is far superior to man made light....the frequency rate is made for us, man made light is not

its why many suffer headaches when they work only in artificial light all day

i have a gas fireplace and i put candles all over, usually light them up on the weekends and just relax, plus, i am a believer in aroma therapy, at least my wife made a believer out of me
I didn't know Grind was gay. Wow, you learn something new every day. A haiku about candles...

Next he'll be talking about the "Candle Party" from Party Lite he attended and how he got free stuff. Then it's on to Pampered Chef parties... Yeah...

(Thank Gawd my sister was here, or I wouldn't have known what "Party Lite" and "Pampered Chef" was...
its the flame

natural light is far superior to man made light....the frequency rate is made for us, man made light is not

its why many suffer headaches when they work only in artificial light all day

i have a gas fireplace and i put candles all over, usually light them up on the weekends and just relax, plus, i am a believer in aroma therapy, at least my wife made a believer out of me

This is pretty much bullshit.

Most light (there are exceptions, like lasers) in the visible range comes from heating up something to a level at which it starts emitting radiation. The "color" of light actual comes from what temperature it's at - what temperature it's at determines what part of the spectrum it peaks in. This is the same whether your talking about a candle, fluorescents, or the goddamn sun. Candles just have particularly pleasant light because they have a low temperature, so they peak at a low, reddish part of the spectrum.

If you have something particularly hot, it can peak in the ultraviolet, which is cool. Well, I guess maybe something that's really hot could peak in the microwaves. O_O I wonder how hot you'd have to be for that.
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I didn't know Grind was gay. Wow, you learn something new every day. A haiku about candles...

Next he'll be talking about the "Candle Party" from Party Lite he attended and how he got free stuff. Then it's on to Pampered Chef parties... Yeah...

(Thank Gawd my sister was here, or I wouldn't have known what "Party Lite" and "Pampered Chef" was...

I have never heard about candle parties or party light so I think you're still a notch up higher on the gay scale damo. and you can't blame your sister. If you bump into such knowledge then it's a part of your psyche.

p.s. tomorrow I may go to the yankee candle shop and get a lavender one fyi :)