what the hell are you talking about?! Trump was impeached.
A sham indictment. Everyone knows that, except you apparently lol.
what the hell are you talking about?! Trump was impeached.
A sham indictment. Everyone knows that, except you apparently lol.
Chuck Schumer doesn't whine and bitch on Twitter like an entitled teenaged girl. I don't think New Yorkers like being called whiny bitches.
What about "I like his personality but I can't stand his policies"?
lol lol lol lol lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's all you can do because I'm right and you are wrong lol.
For example?
I read a lot of posts by people that I personally know and a lot say that they don't like Trump's personality but will vote for him because they like his policies. Screw that, I say. He's a New Yorker, and that's the way that NYers are. If you don't like it, fine, but at least respect the fact that's the way NYers are.
Want another example of an arrogant bully NYer? Chuck Schumer. The exact same personality but on the opposite side of the political spectrum. Do liberals have a problem with Chuck?
I liked him in The Apprentice and others.
His policies? You can see the results in the past 4 years.
I liked him in The Apprentice and others.
His policies? You can see the results in the past 4 years.
Have you ever been to New York? New Yorkers aren't all sociopathic snowflakes like Trump.
I always thought Trump was an asshole. I watched The Apprentice for 30 seconds and couldn't stand to look at that jerkoff
So you don't have one policy that you can be specific about. Big surprise.
you're an idiot
Stop lying. You liked him when you thought he was a Democrat.
The results aren't important?
goodbye troll
Ad hom from you, meaning that you just lost this debate.
You're a homo? Ok.