I love my dog, bless her heart.

I don’t think they have the same taste as domestic pig, they have that wild flavor and it’s greasier to me.

They really don’t seem greasier to me unless we’re comparing only the loin. Once I cure the hams it is very much the same as a city cured ham from the grocery store. They do have a hint of that distinctive ‘wild’ flavor.
We had a cookout going away party for friends in Germany and were grilling a very spicy German meat. Well the cook had 3 lbs of raw meat on a low table and left to get a beer. Our German Shepard (Kinder) helped herself. It came out both ends for over a day, poor baby. She never went near that meat again.

People should know better. This would be like leaving Trump alone in a room with a woman and expecting that he wouldn't molest her.
I can leave my plate of ANYTHING on the coffee table and walk into the other room

Not one of my dogs will touch it
Ordered Subway for dinner. Yep, yum, uh huh. She looks at me like, I love you forever if I can have a teeny tiny bite. I say no way Jose. And she is like, who is Jose? And I call her by her birth name and say, learn English. My phone rings and it was an important call so I pick it up and take the call.

Guess who enjoyed a slightly more than six inch sub for dinner? Guess who is picking that up tomorrow......


Anyone want a free doggo?

:laugh: The relationship between man and dog is very special. Unlike any other animals on the planet. They do not judge you. They will love you unconditionally when treated right. They will stay by you no matter what. In some cases, they will die for you.
:laugh: The relationship between man and dog is very special. Unlike any other animals on the planet. They do not judge you. They will love you unconditionally when treated right. They will stay by you no matter what. In some cases, they will die for you.

you apparently have never seen my girl dogs face after I have given her a bath

for at least an hour after her bath she lears at me when I walk buy and shuns my pets

but I do have no doubt she would fight to the death for me
Let me guess. The Hog hound is dead?

Never had a hog hound. I hunt hogs by spot and stalk. But I did lose two beagles to a hog or coyote because they decided to chase it ... whichever it was. I think I posted about that last winter when it happened. That’s why when training dogs to hunt it is important to break them off of “trash” game. As in humane as it sounds to some, a shocking collar is one of the best tools to use to accomplish this.

mine are all herders

minpin and whippits are calorie dogs

can run those calories off in no time

Herders listen and work cooperatively if trained correctly

Mine want to keep the MY BITE tradition in place so they follow the program
Never had a hog hound. I hunt hogs by spot and stalk. But I did lose two beagles to a hog or coyote because they decided to chase it ... whichever it was. I think I posted about that last winter when it happened. That’s why when training dogs to hunt it is important to break them off of “trash” game. As in humane as it sounds to some, a shocking collar is one of the best tools to use to accomplish this.

hey if it keeps them alive
Never had a hog hound. I hunt hogs by spot and stalk. But I did lose two beagles to a hog or coyote because they decided to chase it ... whichever it was. I think I posted about that last winter when it happened. That’s why when training dogs to hunt it is important to break them off of “trash” game. As in humane as it sounds to some, a shocking collar is one of the best tools to use to accomplish this.

Better than having them gored to death by a boar.