I Love Primavera, and he's my Daddy

Hoosier Daddy

Verified User
Man, Primavera is awesome. I have wished I was him since I knew he existed! Every day I think about being him.. or at least having him order me around.

He's my Daddy, and I love him.
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I can't read the OP because I have this prick on ignore but clearly he has pics of one of the moderators checking into a motel with a sheep under their arm.

If you've got Hoosier Daddy on your ignore list, then what are you doing on his thread???????????????????????
you are the one sucking primavera's dick by making up quotes to please him, little bitch. isn't it obvious you want primavera to grab your pussy without asking, little bitch?
I assume that means you don’t love me too.
Man, Primavera is awesome. I have wished I was him since I knew he existed! Every day I think about being him.. or at least having him order me around.

He's my Daddy, and I love him.
nothing more pathetic than a dumbfuck adult changing quotes like a 12 year old kid might do, think it is clever or funny, and then put "LOL" at the end, to prove what a silly ass dickhead he is. kudos!!

you are wrong.....the posts we had to change were all more pathetic.....