I need filling in


What were all the big happenings that I have missed here since I have been gone?

I was at the beach about half the summer hosting Beach parties for all number of my family members.

The other half of the time I was car and house shopping.

I then forgot my password yet once again and Damo had to hook me up so I could get back on.

Thanks Damo.
I'll tell you what you've missed... absolutely nothing. Same cast of characters with the same arguments. I'm an addict to this board so I'm not putting it down but you can leave for months at a time and come back and predict the arguments taking place here.
There are some new cast members though

Hey Hun!

Its been a while! My friend J told me to tell you "Hi" btw! A bunch of wackjob internet stalkers have descended on the board. It can get kind of creepy at times, but otherwise, same old same old.

Sounds like you had a fun summer!
Tell J I said Hi right back. I bet her hair is good and long now and looks great.

I was only partly dead. I needed to get away from all the politicing for a spell.

The beach house is so very comforting and it kinda feels like Pop ( what I called my father in law) is right there with you making everyone feel comfortable.

He loved people and loved sharing whatever he had with them. Some of my bros and sis's knew him since they were little kids.
April - AOLers showed up. They are mostly conservative. They tell bad jokes amongst themselves and giggle.

* some debates happen:

1.) dixie claims solar wind is just like earth wind. Think pirate ships in space.

2.) postmodernprophet (religious member that pretends he/she's logical) argues that atheists are irrational because we can't disprove of god, therefore our belief system is also based on faith and we wont admit it. Also suggests things are true because bible says it's true. Mottley explains circular reasoning to no avail.


We added an "APP" forum which is slightly more tightly controlled. Dixie's vagina bled out in enormous proportions because I didn't ban ib1 for calling him a "baby" and so he's somewhere in the ether right now leading his mass exodus of one.

* more debates happen*

We just had a JPP awards where various members voted on who rocks and stuff.

That's about it.

I'm grind, 911america4eva is watermark.

Welcome home, I honestly thought you were dead.
Grind and Waterdork have changed their names to \o/ and 911AMERICA (something or other). I am about to temporarily change my name for a little while, which I will be contacting Grind about, but I've been busy. Basically, it will be themed based upon all of the pictures of hot women in bikini's that I've been randomly posting for the past month or so, ever since this thread was posted:

What were all the big happenings that I have missed here since I have been gone?


Dixie had another meltdown, and ran away crying like a school girl.

Cawacko got drunk and got his ass beat.

I got a promotion, and spent like 6 months working 7 days a week to reign in evil corporations.

welcome back!
Hey 3D and Cy,

Dixie is better off living in la la land anyway.

And those bikini pics ...well .....gee.......Thats great 3D.
Hey Desh. Glad to see you back. Meme will now have a mortal enemy. The fireworks should be grand. I changed my handle from "Mottleydude" to my original internet handle "Mott the Hoople". Dixie's vagina hurts but that's hardly anything new and I'm sure he'll be back to call us a pinhead sometime soon. It's to bad you were gone cause you could have given Dixie a running for the money for the "Best Thread Starter" award. A large number of right wing conservatives from AOL joined the site and gave us much needed new blood. They will probably loath you for being the unapologetic liberal that you are but I'm sure your gird for battle. I grew an herb garden this summer, it turned out well. I tried to invent a new process to recycle used kitty litter, that didn't turn out so well. We have two new trolls. The Tick and Earl Buttz. Both are hillareous. I started riding my bike again. I'm up to 100 miles a week. I'd like to get up to 150 miles a week before it gets to cold.

Find any new recipes while you were gone?
meme has no enemies nor cares if anyone wants to become one..

so you all just keep on dreaming..:)
What were all the big happenings that I have missed here since I have been gone?

I was at the beach about half the summer hosting Beach parties for all number of my family members.

The other half of the time I was car and house shopping.

I then forgot my password yet once again and Damo had to hook me up so I could get back on.

Thanks Damo.

Breach parties, with Annette? I love beach parties! I could kick sand in a few faces!
obama resigned in disgrace and joe the stud biden is in charge

Speaking of Biden what's he been up to recently? I haven't heard his name mentioned in awhile. At least recently he really seems to be in the background or just doing all his work behind the scenes.