I need filling in

He's been told to STFD and STFU and go and find the "number" of the website he's supposedly in charge of.
Speaking of Biden what's he been up to recently? I haven't heard his name mentioned in awhile. At least recently he really seems to be in the background or just doing all his work behind the scenes.

in the 11th hour of shoe surgery, though he has a big mouth, apparently his show is even bigger

too funny.....the libs ragged on palin as she was next in charge....yet even the libs want biden to stfu and go away....
Hey 3D and Cy,

Dixie is better off living in la la land anyway.

And those bikini pics ...well .....gee.......Thats great 3D.

You are oh, so welcome Desh!

Anyway, this is more what I post now. I also use them to parody Southern Man's gimick of posting *shrug* at the end of every post. I insert one of these babes and write *shag*

2.) postmodernprophet (religious member that pretends he/she's logical) argues that atheists are irrational because we can't disprove of god, therefore our belief system is also based on faith and we wont admit it. Also suggests things are true because bible says it's true. Mottley explains circular reasoning to no avail.
it's "he".....and obviously Grind is still not very good at understanding philosophical arguments.....
Filling in:

Three theories, three people...

Taichiliberal: "Aids has no connection at all to HIV, and you're foolish to use condoms."

AssHatZombie: "Noahidism is spreading rampantly through every college campus and soon you'll be worshiping Jews and unable to eat oysters on the half shell."

BlackAsCoal: "9/11 could not have possibly happened because I say, 'Law of Thermodynamics' when I write a post and you don't."

Grind changes name several times. Watermark does too.

New AOLers come on board, several are libs, several are Cons, they have some baggage from their time together on AOL you'll see some of their dirty underwear occasionally.

Health Care is about the only topic of any importance at the moment on the board.