I predict

They created so many jobs that the current employment participation rate is 1.3 million less workers than GGWB's last year in office.

The real unemployment rate is 13.5%.

Thanks to ObummerCare there are more parti time workers than before.

Yep, the man is a genius; why is almost going to turn America into Detroit in a mere 8 years. It took the dumbasses on the left two decades to destroy Detroit.
They created so many jobs that the current employment participation rate is 1.3 million less workers than GGWB's last year in office. The real unemployment rate is 13.5%. Thanks to ObummerCare there are more parti time workers than before. Yep, the man is a genius; why is almost going to turn America into Detroit in a mere 8 years. It took the dumbasses on the left two decades to destroy Detroit.

All racist lies, The One can do no wrong!
They created so many jobs that the current employment participation rate is 1.3 million less workers than GGWB's last year in office.

The real unemployment rate is 13.5%.

Thanks to ObummerCare there are more parti time workers than before.

Yep, the man is a genius; why is almost going to turn America into Detroit in a mere 8 years. It took the dumbasses on the left two decades to destroy Detroit.

Unemployment is High by Republican Design as GOP Sabotaged Obama's Job Proposals ~ http://www.policymic.com/articles/9...design-as-gop-sabotaged-obama-s-job-proposals

The rich keep raising prices and keeping more and more while paying less and less and cutting benefits. They then hire FOR PROFIT Fox News and other media to talk the weakest minded Americans into thinking it's because a few people are committing Government Fraud and getting a free ride so they don't notice the Corporate hand in their pocket. Of course if the real issue was Government Fraud then the Right Wing would propose a plan to find a way to keep people from committing this fraud. (R)ight? Instead they attack the entire programs made for people who are not committing this fraud taking away funds from the blind, deaf, truly disabled and the like.

Or maybe you can give me a statistic of how many people are committing Government Fraud and are the leeches? If you know someone that is committing this type of fraud you can call 1-800-424-5454 to report this fraud and do your part instead of being a greedy coward and taking away programs from who they were originally intended. Of course some programs need to go, such as the BushPhone, but some of them the people want. And the people is what matters.
If the Anti-Outsourcing bill of 2010 would have passed we would have seen a massive increase in American jobs. So if you support the vote "NO" for it, you are an idiot American that doesn't know the first thing about jobs.
If the Anti-Outsourcing bill of 2010 would have passed we would have seen a massive increase in American jobs. So if you support the vote "NO" for it, you are an idiot American that doesn't know the first thing about jobs.

LOL, the title of that bill was designed to fool people such as yourself who seemingly bought it hook, line and sinker. The irony of your second statement is that you are referring to yourself as you think some political gimmick would actually have a real impact on jobs in this country (besides actually hurting them).
LOL, the title of that bill was designed to fool people such as yourself who seemingly bought it hook, line and sinker. The irony of your second statement is that you are referring to yourself as you think some political gimmick would actually have a real impact on jobs in this country (besides actually hurting them).

You don't know a thing about the bill. Otherwise, you would know that the title is actually part of what made it fail. It supported insourcing but kept outsourcing. Political newbie. The title was a "pretty looking lie" like "The Patriot Act" so it was voted down. Of course everything Obama is voted down simply because that is the motion. Hate/agenda over America.
Any American with a brain knows that it's a good idea to stop tax deductions for outsourcing (originally created for state to state trade) and give those tax deductions for insourcing. There you go, you can stop internet searching it now newbie.
You don't know a thing about the bill. Otherwise, you would know that the title is actually part of what made it fail. It supported insourcing but kept outsourcing. Political newbie. The title was a "pretty looking lie" like "The Patriot Act" so it was voted down. Of course everything Obama is voted down simply because that is the motion. Hate/agenda over America.

Your "insourcing" was partial payroll tax relief for companies supposedly bringing jobs back to the U.S. Please explain how that was going to create a massive increase in jobs.