I recently got a 27 on my ACT...


And oddly enough, this isn't a good thing.

I actually scored below 27 on Science, math, and English. I got a 26 on Science, 22 on math, and 24 on English.

But my reading score was freaking 35, which kind of threw the others off balance. I don't think I've ever seen anyone have such an odd distribution of test scores, honestly. 35 puts me in the high 99th percentile. So, that's great. But I'm thinking, is a college going to look at that and think "Hey! He's great at reading comprehension! Who cares!"

Well, anyway, a 27 puts me in the 90th percentile in the nation, and the 95th percentile in my state (go figure). I guess I have a hell of a lot better chance of getting into college with this score, which is somewhat better than the 22 I got on the test I took previously. What's odd about that is that I actually scored LOWEST on reading on that test, compared to the areas. I think I have some kind of mental disorder, these test conundrums just aren't normal.

People actually doubted somewhat that I could go from a 22 to a 24. LOL. Oh well. I hate college...
Well, I also got in the 97th percentile on my writing test. Some essay about raising driving ages. Which doesn't do much, really, I don't think colleges look much at writing tests. But it's odd that I did so well at that, since the section was actually put in there so that girls would have a higher score on the ACT. Heh. I'm a woman.
Well, I also got in the 97th percentile on my writing test. Some essay about raising driving ages. Which doesn't do much, really, I don't think colleges look much at writing tests. But it's odd that I did so well at that, since the section was actually put in there so that girls would have a higher score on the ACT. Heh. I'm a woman.
Hush up, woman...

:rolleyes: sheesh...

Congratulations, colleges will look at the overall scores, reading comprehension is important to study skills. You will do fine.
I don't remember if they had ACT's when I was in HS .....I do remember getting letters from several colleges though wanting me to apply...
I don't remember if they had ACT's when I was in HS .....I do remember getting letters from several colleges though wanting me to apply...

wow... back in your day I would have thought they would be proud to have a southern boy finish 6th grade.... you probably could have earned a 30 just by spelling ACT back then.
Actually I was in the northern portion of KY, not geograpically just politically.
During the civil war KY had 2 state capitols. One for the south and one for the north.

And yep I finished HS, even after my father died and I had to help support the family. Finished in top 10%. I was pretty lazy and hated school....
Then did 2 yrs of tech school after my vacation in Nam...
Since then I have put in an additional 5,000 classroom hours or so of continuing tech education.'
More tech education than most engineers.

If you want to just talk to someone find a degreed person, if you want something built or repaired come to me :)
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Actually I was in the northern portion of KY, not geograpically just politically.
During the civil war KY had 2 state capitols. One for the south and one for the north.

And yep I finished HS, even after my father died and I had to help support the family. Finished in top 10%. I was pretty lazy and hated school....
Then did 2 yrs of tech school after my vacation in Nam...
Since then I have put in an additional 5,000 classroom hours or so of continuing tech education.'
More tech education than most engineers.

If you want to just talk to someone find a degreed person, if you want something built or repaired come to me :)

WEll stated, and I totally agree

heBack in my days at ty Henry Pratt CO (butterfly valves) I had a plaque sitting on my desk that said "Don't blame me if the thing's got a quirk, I just designed it. YOU make it work"
Rock on gerber baby 27 is rightious!!

USC you were in hs during the civil war, no wonder you didn't go to college. Was the letter delivered by ponny express.
Maybe I worry about too much?

But a reading score of 35 IS crazy. You know what that means right? If you type anything I understand VERY VERY well.
Hush up, woman...

:rolleyes: sheesh...

Congratulations, colleges will look at the overall scores, reading comprehension is important to study skills. You will do fine.

I did read a college site where they said they admitted students because they were "well-lopsided" in one area. Do you think I could get admitted to a college on that basis?
WM, you're going to be fine, stop worrying! It's great that reading comprehension is your highest score; this is putative evidence that you should study well. Your percentiles are great. Have you considered applying for any scholarships yet?
WM, you're going to be fine, stop worrying! It's great that reading comprehension is your highest score; this is putative evidence that you should study well. Your percentiles are great. Have you considered applying for any scholarships yet?

What scholarships?
I did read a college site where they said they admitted students because they were "well-lopsided" in one area. Do you think I could get admitted to a college on that basis?
Sure, this is probably good enough to get you into Loyola.
I've never heard of loyola

Loyola is/was a Jesuit college; there's one in Chicago. I don't know if others exist around the country. You could do a search. I don't know how serious Trog's comment was, though; I don't know much more about the school.
I think he was mocking me. I don't see why he would mock me, though.

On my first ACT taking, I slept two hours the night before. On this one, I managed to sleep four hours. Whenever any important day comes up, I can't sleep. If you'll notice, my math and english tests were taken before the break, and I scored badly on them. During the break I purchased an energy drink and drank it to get rid of my sleepiness. Aftekr that I had the reading test, which I got a 35 on, and the science test, which I got a 26 on. Maybe if I'd start trying to go to sleep at like 8 I might make it? Oh well. I get free tuition at my college for a 27, but I would've gotten free dorms for a 28.