I spent most of Saturday trying to attach a brush hog to my tractor....

In Arizona it is considered an invasive species, one of the worst.

I should have run it by you first, since you are our resident expert know-it-all genius!

If you are looking for a Green Green lawn grass, it may not be for you.

But if you want a natural ground cover that will outlive any drought, and not have to fertilize it, or even mow it but maybe once a year if at all, Buffalo Grass is a great choice. It does require full sun though.
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I removed the backhoe. It is setting in the long barn awaiting its time to be useful.

The issue was the top link in the three point.hitch was not reaching the point it is supposed to attach. This was because it moves... and I didn't know it. I kicked it a bit with my boot to change where it was and boom... fixed.

But as I said I still used the quick hitch because I want it to attach other implements with less work.

"Quick hitch" and "less work" are relative terms. LOL

Glad you figured it out. Can you now do like the Youtube videos and simply back into it?
"Quick hitch" and "less work" are relative terms. LOL

Glad you figured it out. Can you now do like the Youtube videos and simply back into it?

Those folks already adjusted the implement to attach easily...

But yes, now I just back in and pick it up. Boom, done.
I removed the backhoe. It is setting in the long barn awaiting its time to be useful.

The issue was the top link in the three point.hitch was not reaching the point it is supposed to attach. This was because it moves... and I didn't know it. I kicked it a bit with my boot to change where it was and boom... fixed.

But as I said I still used the quick hitch because I want it to attach other implements with less work.

I think you’ll find that hooking that backhoe attachment up again to be significantly more difficult than hooking up the brush hog … especially if you’re flying solo.
If the sidewalk in front of my house looks messy, I can just sweep it with a broom.

I could be wrong, but it seems to me that some people go out of their way to live a difficult life.

It's almost as though comfort and convenience were some kind of sins.
I think you’ll find that hooking that backhoe attachment up again to be significantly more difficult than hooking up the brush hog … especially if you’re flying solo.

That one I've done before... The first time took me an age, mostly it was getting it to the correct height... I had to attach the hoses then adjust, then back into it.

I am a bit less worried about it failing, it may still take forever though. Practice...
And I failed utterly and miserably, even hurting my knee in the process...

I need some uneducated hayseed to come show me what the heck I am doing wrong, because my education didn't help me.

Truly. I felt useless, so.. on Sunday I put air conditioning into the wife's ceramic studio so I could be certain to get something done and my entire Memorial Day weekend would not be lost to useless. It worked amazingly well. I have to go back out to make sure that the thermostat is working and that it shuts off when it reaches her desired temp.. but it was running when I left...

Do you actually need aircon in Colorado? I don't bother with switching it on unless it's over 30c unless it's a really muggy day. Fans are good enough for most days otherwise.
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