Harris wasn't chosen by "Democrats" as the "best choice". Biden anointed her as his price for stepping aside and Party leaders accepted her anointment, lacking the courage to hold a convention. Harris was not unpopular at the start of the campaign, she was largely unknown. Her popularity then rose, exceeding Trump's. Your analysis in those and its other respects is dimwitted.Why did Democrats ever think that Kamala Harris was the best choice to lead their party in 2024 when she was every bit as unpopular as Crooked Hillary Clinton was? Worse yet,......when it comes to how she presents herself and her over all acuity she comes off as almost mildly retarded in comparison to crooked Hillary. BOTH wildly unpopular but with Crooked Hillary being head and shoulders above Kamala the idiot when it comes to intelligence and yet you somehow still thought Kamala could win? Ummm.....WUT? Seriously,....if Crooked Hillary couldn't beat Trump any idiot SHOULD have known that Kamala stood no chance. I mean,....how bad is it when They couldn't even print up enuff fake ballots in shithole Detroit to save her used up old dumb ass ? WTF is wrong with the left, just totally stupid or have they collectively all gone insane?