I suggest a real quote box altering rule.

All I have to do is post. They all have hissy fits daily.
As a nurse, you might be interested in observing their behavior. JPP, especially among the MAGAts, is a great observation lab for the mentally ill (e.g. Sybil) and the elderly demented (e.g. Legina and most ardent Trump supporters). There's a few LW wackadoodles too but notice all seem to be elderly themselves.
As a nurse, you might be interested in observing their behavior. JPP, especially among the MAGAts, is a great observation lab for the mentally ill (e.g. Sybil) and the elderly demented (e.g. Legina and most ardent Trump supporters). There's a few LW wackadoodles too but notice all seem to be elderly themselves.
Something is not right that is for sure.
Something is not right that is for sure.
Agreed. I've seen it before IRL. Most of them are either elderly shut-ins like the TOXIC drunk, demented residents of a retirement facility with little to no access to the front door such as Truth Detector, Earl and Legina or mentally ill (and possibly locked inside a facility) such as Sybil. Some are just stupid bigots such as Arbie and Blowme.

One thing I often watch for in cognitive skills is creativity. Notice who is capable of a variety of posts and who consistently falls into patterns of behavior. The latter group, like Sybil and Legina, end up repeating the same posts over and over again. They can't change.
@Damocles am I a sock for Dutch?
I've never checked. Are you?
She's not my sock. Only pedophiles and other scumbags would use VPNs to employ socks.

FWIW, I think it's very immoral, as immoral as sexually abusing children and raping women, to use sock puppets to bully, attack, or otherwise deceive people.

Hopefully that clears up my view on the matter, Damo. :)
Send me your address or STFU like the little Keyboard Koward you are, Arbie, and I can have that arranged. :thup:

Again, I predict, when your mom's time comes, you will disintegrate. Sad. Try to get some help, son, before that happens. Maybe group therapy? It's cheap. Some churches have it for free. :)
Reported for doxxing/phishing.
An additional thought; should we fight fire with fire? Some people use the ignore function to avoid the posts of Sybil and his socks, Legion and his socks, Truth Detector and the other annoying trolls on JPP. The same ignore function can be suggested by Damo against my complainers, but that's not what is happening.

Instead, why not take everyone off ignore and just start reporting every post by the aforementioned trolls to Damo? Will Damo publicly admonish them? Is Damo Legion? Is that why Legion gets a pass? IDK. Just a thought.


I dunno, bud. It's a forum where we can speak our piece, post news stories, have a thread for just chit-chat, argue, take down trolls, enjoy some discourse, and so on. This ain't a hill to die on, you know?
She's not my sock. Only pedophiles and other scumbags would use VPNs to employ socks.

FWIW, I think it's very immoral, as immoral as sexually abusing children and raping women, to use sock puppets to bully, attack, or otherwise deceive people.
So why do you do it, Sybil?
It appears MAGAts aren't required to put people on ignore, only non-MAGAts.

Gutter sluts like Toxic, family terrorists like Arbie and sleazebags like Legina are given a pass. :)

You just can't stop mentioning me, can you, coward? It was at one time humorous watching you dance, lie and pout, but it has become annoying and down right deceitful as you continually lie and call me a terrorist in your attempts (and probably squealing outside this forum) to get me banned, or worse. Maybe you should just stay in the thread with the pussy posse, they seem to believe your lies and bullshit. I, for one, do not.
Look, you rabid cunt, don't quote or mention me and I won't respond to your drivel. It's simple as that, but I live in your head, and for some reason I'm always there 24/7. How many hours have you spent searching for other forums I frequent, you pathetic and perverted cunt?
And, why won't you answer how many times you've cried and squealed in your lame attempts at getting me banned here?