I suggest a real quote box altering rule.

Something is seriously wrong with that things brain.
IMO, it's a combination of low IQ, poor education and alcoholism fueled by jealousy and resentment against others.

Her sister is a real teacher and it appears TOP's aspirations fell short. It's possible that, due to her early pregnancy as a single woman, as with many on that position, she had to drop out of school and was stuck in menial jobs for most of her life.
Sit b@ck @nd w@tch them f@ll @p@rt...this is epic...;)
I'm guessing @bout @nother 2 p@ges...
:thisisgettinggood: I love this place...;)
QED on limited creativity. It goes with TOP's low IQ and poor education. Sad.

The relationship between intelligence and creativity: New support for the threshold hypothesis by means of empirical breakpoint detection​

When investigating a liberal criterion of ideational originality (i.e., two original ideas), a threshold was detected at around 100 IQ points. In contrast, a threshold of 120 IQ points emerged when the criterion was more demanding (i.e., many original ideas). Moreover, an IQ of around 85 IQ points was found to form the threshold for a purely quantitative measure of creative potential (i.e., ideational fluency). These results confirm the threshold hypothesis for qualitative indicators of creative potential and may explain some of the observed discrepancies in previous research.
Also notice they have a distinct lack of creativity.

You're free to
you're free to lie about me
You're free to think so,
Another mantra after you’ve been caught in one of your many lies or is this what you consider “creative “?
Translation: I'm drunk you bitches! Eat shit! <laughs uncontrollably and pukes a little>
TOP called it. You fell for it. She plays you almost good as I do.
Only thing Trunt plays is herself with her liquor bottles and her meat bucket.

Another mantra after you’ve been caught in one of your many lies or is this what you consider “creative “?

TOP called it. You fell for it. She plays you almost good as I do.
QED, anymouse. You are overlooking my memes and other comments. That's fine. I know drunks and criminals like to support each other so it's natural you and TOP would support each other.

Were you ever convicted of rape? Were you charged but not convicted? Did you lose your medical license for sexual abusing a patient?
They're wrong more often th@n W@lt...@nd th@t's @lmost impossible...;)
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