I think I may be imperator forever O_O


on indefiniate mod break
I love the name imperator. It more accurately reflects my grandiose nature. Grind is antiquated, it is being deprecated. It's a useless lousy name. Now of course, you fine folks get the free pass and can still call me by my birth name, as I do not expect inferiors such as yourself to handle the arduous task of being able to learn something new (however simple it may be).

Fear not though, I will still partake in changing my name to many other whimsical incarnations. But imperator will now be my "home base" so to speak.

Thank you for your limited attention, you may go back to your prole duties.

I like how everyone refers to me as Capt here. So much so that I actually introduce myself as such in public now.
Prayer to Grind:

Our Grind, which art enthroned;
hallowed be thy name;
thy empire come;
thy will be done,
in earth as it is in Massachusettes.
Please do not take from us our daily bread
And allow us to murder those who trespass against us
as we murder those that trespass against you.
And lead us not into ignorance;
but deliver us from proles.
For thine is the empire,
the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever.
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I love the name imperator. It more accurately reflects my grandiose nature. Grind is antiquated, it is being deprecated. It's a useless lousy name. Now of course, you fine folks get the free pass and can still call me by my birth name, as I do not expect inferiors such as yourself to handle the arduous task of being able to learn something new (however simple it may be).

Fear not though, I will still partake in changing my name to many other whimsical incarnations. But imperator will now be my "home base" so to speak.

Thank you for your limited attention, you may go back to your prole duties.


Why would we want to call you by birth name, Mary??

You can't hail yourself "Imperator". It must be done by the men you command on the field of battle. Only they can hail you Imperator. Since you couldn't carry a Legionaires pteryges, that's probably not going to happen anytime soon.

You can't hail yourself "Imperator". It must be done by the men you command on the field of battle. Only they can hail you Imperator. Since you couldn't carry a Legionaires pteryges, that's probably not going to happen anytime soon.
My armies shall swear fealty to Grind.
My armies shall swear fealty to Grind.

Well that's fine but you would also have to hail him "Imperator". It's not the same as swearing fealty. It means you're declaring him the victorious commander on the field of battle. He would then be qualified to carry the title of "Imperator" until he would triumphe, though once he has triumphed, he must relenquish the title. Tough to be honest, the title of Triumphator" is more prestigious then "Imperator".
That assumes we would follow the Roman traditions in regards to names, rather than the mere spirit of our glorious conquests.
I love the name imperator. It more accurately reflects my grandiose nature. Grind is antiquated, it is being deprecated. It's a useless lousy name. Now of course, you fine folks get the free pass and can still call me by my birth name, as I do not expect inferiors such as yourself to handle the arduous task of being able to learn something new (however simple it may be).

Fear not though, I will still partake in changing my name to many other whimsical incarnations. But imperator will now be my "home base" so to speak.

Thank you for your limited attention, you may go back to your prole duties.


Well thank you, Howie. I am quite fond of your birth name too.

Happy New Year Howie!