I think I may be imperator forever O_O

pmp just HAS to be uscitizen under a different ip.

Or USF. The whole "I'm Rubber" or the "I lamely misunderstood and am reconstructing your post to sound like its a rag on yourself" method. I outgrew it when I was 11. Shit, its g-h-e-y.
Or USF. The whole "I'm Rubber" or the "I lamely misunderstood and am reconstructing your post to sound like its a rag on yourself" method. I outgrew it when I was 11. Shit, its g-h-e-y.

I hereby allow the moderators of this board to investigate your assertion and to verify whether I am USCitizen, or not.
as I recall he was a liberal......in that light your claim makes no sense.....by the way, I see only two of your suck ups thanked you for your comment, wtf is wrong with WM.....

He's suffering from hemorrhoids. Aye! Can you imagine having Gimp's head stuck up yer arse all day long!
