I think i might go on disability

Yeah me too, but then it is an imperfect world. My friend with only a left arm, got a letter last year telling him he would be cut off unless he preoved he was still disabled...Yeah like he grew new limbs

Obviously that is dumb there are somethings which should automatically put you on disability permanently.
There was one of those on politics.com. Comnenus was his name. Pretty good poster. Don't remember if he was exactly bush-loving as much as he was anti-liberal.
Not as much as one would think. The Republican party is anti-gay but that is but one facet. There are at least some within the Republican leadership who wish to moderate the party on social issues.

The republican party certainly could appeal to other interests in a person. Who does a gay oilman vote for?
Another thing is that some people consider economic interests to trump social ones. This is understandabl because social issues have the potential to not affect you while economic ones will almost always affect you.
Its not "charity". Its insurance. You pay taxes into a public insurance program on every paycheck, through FICA deductions. Everyone who pays into an insurance program, is entitled to the benefits if and when needed.

guess what asshole, I don't want to have insurance, so fuck you and your insurance scheme (nice spin)..

- Grind