I think I'm in love.

Since the beginning of the human race the primary foundation for "love" has been lust. It is another primary emotion that drives reproduction, and any form of love without it does not last long. Then too, even the lust wears off after about 4 years. Then you enter a companionship relationship with commitment that we call love. If this lasts 40 years, as many do, then have at it. Most do not.

As to the dog eater, well, he is just mentally ill, and should seek help.

He is one of the mods, and yeh, he is mentally ill but then so is Evince. They are made for each other.
EXCUSE ME!! how the fuck did this thread turn into an argument? I shared a product that I thought people might like. Now it's about eating dogs? You people need help. You really do. You're all sick!

First rule, if you don't want your thread turning to shit ban Desh/Evince.
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EXCUSE ME!! how the fuck did this thread turn into an argument? I shared a product that I thought people might like. Now it's about eating dogs? You people need help. You really do. You're all sick!

It’s Grinds fault. He can’t resist trolling Desh. It’s ok though. Last night on the way home from Taco Bell he was attacked by a pack of feral dogs.

I heard he lost his tacos.
why should perfectly good meat be wasted? It's all about conservation. I didn't say you should kill your dog, just if you HAVE to put it down, why let it rot when it could be used for some yummy tasty meals. don't be culturally biased, lots of people eat dogs world over. I want some juicy border collie baja tacos. im licking my lips in anticipation!

Way too skinny. She probably doesn't feed it, and leaves it out in the yard on a chain.
oh man I woke up today and I've spent a solid 5 minutes laughing my ass off at this thread. I love that guys reaction up top about how his thread went to shit. fucking classic :laugh:

love is more than sex

I don't know if you are just trying to be funny but

they are completely different things that sometimes converge

sociopaths can feel lust

they cant feel love for others

Lust is fun

it serves a purpose

Love is something truly special

Not everyone gets the chance to truly love another

those that cant feel love due to brain wiring (sociopaths for example) live a sad life

and they dont even know why they think living with others is nothing but a hassle unless that person does their every bidding and asks for nothing in return

this poster that wants to eat my dog for example

he is a pathetic guy

he wants the world to NOT consider human emotions to determine policy

because human emotion is meaningless to him

that was my point

When you were sucking cock for crack did you tell them you loved them?
hey desh the dog in your avatar looks REALLY TASTY!

if you ever have to put it down, may I suggest you send me the leftovers so I can have some juicy scrumptious doggie burgers? yum yum yum!

post five

the subject of love is hard for sociopaths to understand

so he derailed the thread
EXCUSE ME!! how the fuck did this thread turn into an argument? I shared a product that I thought people might like. Now it's about eating dogs? You people need help. You really do. You're all sick!

we told you we cant view what it is

but you got mad instead of making it viewable
we told you we cant view what it is

but you got mad instead of making it viewable

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