I think it is always good to remind JPP liberals of how wrong they really were


These are some of my favorite threads from the 2016 Election by left wing members of JPP










































And for those of you lefties who keep crying "Hillary won the popular vote". Here are some great quotes for ya to chew on

I'd like to know how? This has been one of the most boring Presidential campaigns ever. It's not even close to the hilarity of the primaries. Both candidates are quite unpopular but one far more so than the other that the one, Clinton, has a dominating lead in the electoral college.

I don't know why they do a popular poll, the only one that matters is the electoral poll and Hillary is still winning the electorate.

LOL Conventional wisdom my ass. The numbers show that Clinton has a substantial lead in the electoral college, and even without including toss up States she's already over 270 EV's. This isn't conventional wisdom. It's simple math.

Thanks...I was about to c/p that snippet about the EC

The electoral map is the only poll that counts.

Sadly for JPP's partisan Trumpkins, in too many states the number of voters who disapprove of Trump is too high and he just does not have the votes to win.

Hard to get a handle on the national polls. The state polls are where it's at.

Oh and for Archives aka Legion Troll who gets very sad about being thread banned and thinks he has some right to comment and rebut this post? Sorry but you don't. These posts speak for themselves. And so you know Legion, I know how to put threads in the right forum. You should try it sometime :)
Oh, I was wrong as well, I thought Trump would lose, but the E/C liberal wrongness cracks me up because they now want to get rid of it after Trump won it, but when they thought it was going for Hillary, they were all for it.

When I think back to the election I think there were three seminal events

1) Hillary collapsing on 9-11. Not only did it raise questions about her health but it solidified her secretiveness

2) Hillary's deplorable comment. People are tired of being put down by snot nosed liberals. Liberals still haven't learned this lesson

3) Wikileaks. And not because of any bombshell they released as the emails were pretty meh, but it forced the left to release the Access Hollywood tape way sooner than they wanted to

The left had that tape for a long time and were waiting to release it for maximum impact. But the release of the Wikileaks emails caused them to have premature ejaculation and release them early

It was when I saw that the access Hollywood tape didn't bring Trump down that I knew he would win

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When I think back to the election I think there were three seminal events

1) Hillary collapsing on 9-11. Not only did it raise questions about her health but it solidified her secretiveness

2) Hillary's deplorable comment. People are tired of being put down by snot nosed liberals. Liberals still haven't learned this lesson

3) Wikileaks. And not because of any bombshell they released as the emails were pretty meh, but it forced the left to release the Access Hollywood tape way sooner than they wanted to

The left had that tape for a long time and were waiting to release it for maximum impact. But the release of the Wikileaks emails caused them to have premature ejaculation and release them early

It was when I saw that the access Hollywood tape didn't bring Trump down that I knew he would win

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The man could grab a woman by their pussy in the middle of Times square and folks would vote for him rather that Hillary.
How the hell did I not thread ban KKKhristiefan?

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OP is excellent, IHA. Over 40 threads and not one has me claiming a Hillary win or a trump loss, as you and your simple-minded stooge cohorts have lied about for almost a year.

Keep digging, whydoncha. I love it when your lies are exposed.
OP is excellent, IHA. Over 40 threads and not one has me claiming a Hillary win or a trump loss, as you and your simple-minded stooge cohorts have lied about for almost a year.

Keep digging, whydoncha. I love it when your lies are exposed.

Please you dumb twat. Do you really think that anyone here believes you thought Hillary would lose?

You can lie to yourself Cuntiefan and maybe you sexting buddy Legion will buy it. But nobody else is


I never said this was an exhaustive list you dumb twat.
Please you dumb twat. Do you really think that anyone here believes you thought Hillary would lose?

You can lie to yourself Cuntiefan and maybe you sexting buddy Legion will buy it. But nobody else is


I never said this was an exhaustive list you dumb twat.

Y O U claimed on this forum that I predicted a Hillary win. You stated that claim several times. You were wrong as usual. You can post ten times that number of threads and still won't find it.

Carry on lying. SOS,DD.
Y O U claimed on this forum that I predicted a Hillary win. You stated that claim several times. You were wrong as usual. You can post ten times that number of threads and still won't find it.

Carry on lying. SOS,DD.

Right Cuntiefan. So tell us how did you know Hillary would lose? Please tell us

I guess all those Trump bashing posts of yours leading up to Election Day were because you thought Trump had it in the bag?