I think I've narrowed the JFK assassination to two possibilities

Well I guess there are two points. Do you not understand that scenario number 1 of 2 I posted IS that Oswald acted alone?

And there's a hell of a lot of evidence that's important to understand making the second scenario plausible. 'Simple' is neither proof nor helpful in getting to the truth on this when used to simply say 'don't look at the evidence for a conspiracy'.

Simply pointing to other crimes does not answer what happened here.

Before the Iraq War when Bush was looking for justification to attack, he had a plan to put Iraqi exiles into Iraq who would announce a coup, forcing Saddam to attack them, and then use that to justify the invasion. You could say the 'simplest explanation' had
that happened would have been for there to be no US role and you'd have been wrong, as they wanted. You have to not just say 'simple is right' even if it usually is.

Otherwise, you're at their mercy when they do conspire on something.

is this a claim or a senario?
Nobody has ever been able to replicate the shot. Even highly trained snipers. Oswald was one lucky mother fucker

There's a lot of debate about the odds of Oswald making the shots. But the bottom line is that it was possible for the shots to hit and the question is the probability. It is interesting to ask why one of three would have totally missed the car.
I just can't believe that the Warren Commission was honest and accurate.

It mostly was, but there were limits.

It tried, and was very impressive in what it WAS able to do. But that wasn't nearly enough.

It had Allen Dulled largely running the commission, with his loyalty to protecting the CIA, whatever that involved, obviously the worst case his being involved in a conspiracy which is unproven but all too plausible.

It had Gerald Ford acting as an informant on the Commission for the FBI, and agencies hiding what they wanted, with the commission powerless to do much about it, with limited time, staff, funds.

It had limited tools, limited science. It had things like the CIA lying to it to hide what evidence had about Oswald in Mexico City - and evidence of an impersonator.

Not many realize that the original plan for the commission by Burger was for it to spend about six weeks reviewing the FBI's report on the assassination, approving it, and that was it.

It was when Warren saw the report as terribly low quality and inadequate that he hugely expanded the commission's plan.

There's a lot of good to say about the commission - but in the larger context, a lot of flaws that weren't intentional by the commission. One mistake: not bringing Jack Ruby to Washington for his full statement as he begged.