I think Topspin is ..........

The enfantile insults. The refusal to amitt hes wrong. The timing of his appearance on the scene.

I think it may just be our little toby.
I think I'm far more educated and balanced than Desh or Beafy.
The fact that a juco stay at home grad and a hs grad drunk tub salesman don't see eye to eye with my views is not only not strange. I'd be scared if you did.
You two are bowling alley class and I'm country club class.
I think I'm far more educated and balanced than Desh or Beafy.
The fact that a juco stay at home grad and a hs grad drunk tub salesman don't see eye to eye with my views is not only not strange. I'd be scared if you did.
You two are bowling alley class and I'm country club class.

What is your first languange?
Well, given that you are on the same intelligence level as Toby, perhaps YOU are toby and simply trying to pin your alter ego's stupidity on someone else.

Surely you jest. toby was a moron. Nobody can understand what battleborne says. toppy is incoherent half the time.

Desh's posts are completely coherent and on point. Spell check wouldn't hurt occassionally, but I've never had a problem understanding her posts. And for somebody who voted against bush twice, and was against the iraq war, her judgement on that basis alone exceeds half the people here.

And if you'd stop hatin' on her, you'd realize she's a very intelligent gal. Can't we all get along. :)