I think Topspin is ..........

Whatever..............darlas loverboy!

Surely you jest. toby was a moron. Nobody can understand what battleborne says. toppy is incoherent half the time.
Desh's posts are completely coherent and on point. Spell check wouldn't hurt occassionally, but I've never had a problem understanding her posts. And for somebody who voted against bush twice, and was against the iraq war, her judgement on that basis alone exceeds half the people here.

And if you'd stop hatin' on her, you'd realize she's a very intelligent gal. Can't we all get along. :)

at least I don't do 'Lassie'..and claim I understand women...when in fact in your case the only females who would do you have four leggs and bad breath...get a grip fool!
Sure we all believe you...Not!

Sorry to burst your bubble, but my number one requirement in women I date is intelligence. Idiots like you need not apply.

so if Desh was a fox...ya would not date her...humm what has this world come too...mind ya I did not say Marry her..but a date on a Saturday night...c'mon SF..let's get real!...kay!
You know, whatever you think of Desh’s ideology etc, she is obviously a very warm, caring woman. Surely you’ve read her posts, usually addressing someone’s personal issue, where this comes out strongly. She’s also a caring mother.

Try showing her some amount of respect you little punks.
He PM'd me that he totally does.

I so knew it . He like follows me around and stuff . He used to like darla but she likes you and that made him jealous and so then he started following me arround and like answering every one of my posts. Hes like really shy though so instead of asking me to like go steady he like calls me names and stuff.

Guys are so funny.
I so knew it . He like follows me around and stuff . He used to like darla but she likes you and that made him jealous and so then he started following me arround and like answering every one of my posts. Hes like really shy though so instead of asking me to like go steady he like calls me names and stuff.

Guys are so funny.

LOL He's made some pretty racy comments about you via PM. Let him down easy.
I so knew it . He like follows me around and stuff . He used to like darla but she likes you and that made him jealous and so then he started following me arround and like answering every one of my posts. Hes like really shy though so instead of asking me to like go steady he like calls me names and stuff.

Guys are so funny.

I'm not...Darla told y'all that.........

I so knew it . He like follows me around and stuff . He used to like darla but she likes you and that made him jealous and so then he started following me arround and like answering every one of my posts. Hes like really shy though so instead of asking me to like go steady he like calls me names and stuff.

Guys are so funny.

However I am free on some Saturday nights..as long as politics are not allowed...and for sure veternarian examples of what guys really-really like in a woman...not allowed either...:cof1:
I bet you are right . I think most people on here would be fun to have a beer with except maybe CK.

I bet you are right . I think most people on here would be fun to have a beer with except maybe CK.

Hey you live in Nevada...haven't you ever learned...never bet..thats for outsiders...then again...I do do the beer clinks quite well...as long as ya have a cute smile and all..I never ever take myself so serious as to hate anyone who disagrees...as long as the beer and fun are charming...keep politics away from entertainmment..and all is cool.!
I bet you are right . I think most people on here would be fun to have a beer with except maybe CK.

...and Cawacko. I have this horrible feeling (based on a board experience) that he might come onto me, if we drank together.

j/K cawacko, if U read this

...and Cawacko. I have this horrible feeling (based on a board experience) that he might come onto me, if we drank together.

j/K cawacko, if U read this

you are just plain weird dude...what does this nonsense have to do with what was posted by anyone...?
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I think I'm far more educated and balanced than Desh or Beafy.
The fact that a juco stay at home grad and a hs grad drunk tub salesman don't see eye to eye with my views is not only not strange. I'd be scared if you did.
You two are bowling alley class and I'm country club class.

What's wrong with bowling? Being one semester away from my BA (yep, just finished all my finals and am back home in Seattle! :) ), I love bowlingn and am an clearly a heducated man. In fact, bowling was my first great love in life, before baseball, novels or videogames took over. My 5th birthday party was at an alley. Then all of my friends began to rip off my brilliance and have their own! :clink:
You know, whatever you think of Desh’s ideology etc, she is obviously a very warm, caring woman. Surely you’ve read her posts, usually addressing someone’s personal issue, where this comes out strongly. She’s also a caring mother.

Try showing her some amount of respect you little punks.

Why? The 60's Generation taught me to hate the older generation, so I am going to just go ahead and hate everyone with 20+ years on me...
What's wrong with bowling? Being one semester away from my BA (yep, just finished all my finals and am back home in Seattle! :) ), I love bowlingn and am an clearly a heducated man. In fact, bowling was my first great love in life, before baseball, novels or videogames took over. My 5th birthday party was at an alley. Then all of my friends began to rip off my brilliance and have their own! :clink:

Congratulations in advance, that first degree, well second ;) is the best! :clink: I just got off the phone with my youngest, he finished his last final today, I had to remind him that next semester he needs to petition for graduation-a year from now! :cof1: