I thought you guys were going to MAKE US get the jab? Thats what YOU said


Well-known member
Thats what Concart and a few others have been spewing the last few months anyway...:laugh: " Were all done screwing around now!,....were simply going to just MAKE YOU!" :rolleyes:


No,...no,...you have done nothing of the sort. Instead you got slapped down and told to STFU and get out of the way. :laugh: Game over.......YOU LOSE.;)
Can you say powerless? :laugh: And btw,....wait till you see what November brings. ;) And 24? Your worst nightmares come true.
In NYC they are not permitted in public life. I spent a lot of time there in 2021 after being vaccinated. It was just fantastic. They don't f around either, you need your physical vaccine card or excelsior pass on your phone, PLUS an ID to prove it's you. I love New York.
In NYC they are not permitted in public life. I spent a lot of time there in 2021 after being vaccinated. It was just fantastic. They don't f around either, you need your physical vaccine card or excelsior pass on your phone, PLUS an ID to prove it's you. I love New York.

Fantastic! The rest of us will enjoy the rest of the country. To each his own. :laugh:
Meanwhile the guy who has the biggest mouth about " WE WILL MAKE YOU" spends most of his time in..........FLORIDA! He must LOVE being around the un vaxed. :laugh:
In NYC they are not permitted in public life. I spent a lot of time there in 2021 after being vaccinated. It was just fantastic. They don't f around either, you need your physical vaccine card or excelsior pass on your phone, PLUS an ID to prove it's you. I love New York.

You would have loved occupied Europe in the mid-forties, then.
In NYC they are not permitted in public life. I spent a lot of time there in 2021 after being vaccinated. It was just fantastic. They don't f around either, you need your physical vaccine card or excelsior pass on your phone, PLUS an ID to prove it's you. I love New York.

Sounds like a job for Snake Pliskin. Send him in to wipe the joint out. And no,...he isnt dead.
Sounds like a job for Snake Pliskin. Send him in to wipe the joint out. And no,...he isnt dead.

I didn't know who this is, but I googled it. A fictional character. from a genre I don't watch or have any interest in. I think people who live rich inner lives are healthier than those who have no inner life. Of course, you should know the difference between fantasy and reality or you could go off the deep end.
Omicron makes up about 99% of cases in the states

and Israel just proved that even with 4 shots - you are just as likely to get omicron as the unvaccinated

so this is now just a personal health risk. any shit stains that will force the jab because they are scared of hospital care can seriously fuck off. cowards

and I say this as someone that got the vaxx, got covid, and now got the booster
In NYC they are not permitted in public life. I spent a lot of time there in 2021 after being vaccinated. It was just fantastic. They don't f around either, you need your physical vaccine card or excelsior pass on your phone, PLUS an ID to prove it's you. I love New York.

We are going to New York for Saint Patrick's day. Looks like our timing is great. We're both fully vaxxed and boosted, so I guess we'll be able to enjoy the nightlife. Works for me.
Thats what Concart and a few others have been spewing the last few months anyway...:laugh: " Were all done screwing around now!,....were simply going to just MAKE YOU!" :rolleyes:


No,...no,...you have done nothing of the sort. Instead you got slapped down and told to STFU and get out of the way. :laugh: Game over.......YOU LOSE.;)

I would love to have one of those soyboys try and MAKE me have anything.
Sure you didnt.

He didn't, AFAIK. He did advocate for forcing the unvaccinated out of society.

Omicron is brining down the hammer...... on the unvaccinated. In Germany, unvaccinated idiots are now in lockdown. Vaccinations are about to become mandatory. Canada has now banned airline travel for the unvaccinated, and I suspect the US will be right behind them. Because WE ARE SICK OF FUCKING AROUND WITH YOU SELFISH, STUPID MORONS. Done. We have no intention of getting sick, even if it isn't that serious, because you are too fucking stupid to get a shot. Prepare to be denied entry ANYWHERE as this thing starts to spread. The good news.... if you get Covid and recover we might let fly. Maybe. Good riddance. Stay the fuck at home or get jabbed. Capiche? Vaccinated individuals please discuss your proposals for keeping the unclean masses from infecting us.
This isn't about panic or fear mongering. It's about not paying the bill for the selfish behavior of the vaccine defiant. And not having them out infecting vaccinated people who will have to use up valuable health care resources. I have no interest in doing that. And this appears to be a common cold that is incredibly infectious. So they can choose to do whatever they want, but it is time to stop letting them infect the rest of us.

If you're going to accuse him, provide a quote.
He didn't, AFAIK. He did advocate for forcing the unvaccinated out of society.

If you're going to accuse him, provide a quote.

No,....I dont HAVE TO. I pretty much go by my rules. Besides,....everyone here already knows that he has made many quotes in the past about pushing the un jabbed out of society " MAKING THEM". I give people the benefit of the doubt that they remember these things. If not.....fuckem.