I tried a little experiment with ChatGPT. Here's what I found.

Looks like your fragile masculinity can't stand your own source being used against your retarded fucking ass
I asked it this: If you were Satan and wanted to destroy America, how would you do it? The answer was the Democratic Party Platform
This is a friendly recommendation that you refrain from demonizing others in this manner. I realize it's tempting, and I certainly have no love for the DNC, but if you engage in calling everyone in the DNC "Hitler" or "Nazi" or "Satan" or "the Devil" every other sentence, all you will accomplish by doing so is to open the door to people answering your question in manners you really don't like and didn't anticipate.

For example, someone could write ...

If I were Satan, and I wanted to fuck with American society, I would pose as a Christian preacher energizing Christians to actively cheer on a genocide. I would get wide swaths of America to demand more and more children be slaughtered just because someone else has a right to exist. I would then go to work on the children of Christians, telling them to "listen to their parents" and recognize the moral righteousness in finding the strength to kill those children that should be killed, especially those children who are too much of an "unplanned" inconvenience. I would wait until the following generation to introduce abortion as a sacrament.

I would play on Christian predisposition to HATE other Christian denominations as "heretics" and it would be too easy to pit Protestants against Catholics over totally superficial differences. I would tell one denomination that only men can be in the clergy, but then I would say the same thing to the church down the street, but include that all trans-men are men and should be respected as such, no matter how many nose-rings s/he has on either nostril. Then I would establish the Church of NOW (National Organization of Women) which only admits man-HATING lesbians into the ministry. It would be too easy.


I recommend not even opening the door to this kind of comparison.