I truly believe..........

That one should never be judged by one's skin color, race, or ethnicity. But only judged by what is in one's heart and in one's mind. My parents taught me this at a very early age. This has served me quite well throughout my life. Thank you, and please be kind to ALL of those in your lives.
Steven; "But only judged by what is ... in one's mind."
Jack: You're making a bad case for yourself here, Steven. You may want to re-think your Post ... or possibly, contact the Moderators and have it removed. (just a suggestion, ... from a friend) :|
That one should never be judged by one's skin color, race, or ethnicity. But only judged by what is in one's heart and in one's mind. My parents taught me this at a very early age. This has served me quite well throughout my life. Thank you, and please be kind to ALL of those in your lives.

Steven; "But only judged by what is ... in one's mind."
Jack: You're making a bad case for yourself here, Steven. You may want to re-think your Post ... or possibly, contact the Moderators and have it removed. (just a suggestion, ... from a friend) :|

That one should never be judged by one's skin color, race, or ethnicity. But only judged by what is in one's heart and in one's mind. My parents taught me this at a very early age. This has served me quite well throughout my life. Thank you, and please be kind to ALL of those in your lives.

If only you truly knew what was in the Heart and Mind of Donald Trump!

If you did, you would not want him to be your president!
That one should never be judged by one's skin color, race, or ethnicity. But only judged by what is in one's heart and in one's mind. My parents taught me this at a very early age. This has served me quite well throughout my life. Thank you, and please be kind to ALL of those in your lives.

Steven; "But only judged by what is ... in one's mind."
Jack: You're making a bad case for yourself here, Steven. You may want to re-think your Post ... or possibly, contact the Moderators and have it removed. (just a suggestion, ... from a friend) :|

AWFUL attempt at humor. REALLY awful.:|
I just about spit an ice cube out with that OP. The moron runs around calling everyone else "dim," "idiot," "slow," etc. and then posts that. You know what? I think he's a male version of YouKnowWho. :laugh:

I call these individuals dim and idiotic because of their lack of intelligence, NOT because of their skin color, race, or ethnicity. PLEASE learn to read, Owl Turd Lady (OTL). Thanks, DUMMY.
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I call these individuals dim and idiotic because of their lack of intelligence, NOT because of their skin color, race, or ethnicity. PLEASE learn to read, Owl Turd Lady(OTL). Thanks, DUMMY.

I'd rest my case, but the judge and jury left three hours ago, Hawkeye/Stevie/Transparent Druggie Dumbass. :laugh:
You really ARE dumb beyond belief. Congratulations.:|


Oops. I meant to post this. So sorry.
