I truly believe..........

That IS a nice looking drink. Thanks! And sorry for calling you a dummy, I'm just in one of my "moods". It's my male menopause time of the month, and it HURTS!;)

It's a non-alcoholic drink called 'Virgin on the Beach, Sissies, Faeries, and Transgenders drink it. Owl, sending you that drink, is NOT a compliment. (Jesus Steven. Have you ever heard the term 'When you're in a Hole, ... STOP digging'?)

Steven: "It's my male menopause time of the month, ..."
Jack: Boy! Did Owl call this one, or what!?!?
It's a non-alcoholic drink called 'Virgin on the Beach, Sissies, Faeries, and Transgenders drink it. Owl, sending you that drink, is NOT a compliment. (Jesus Steven. Have you ever heard the term 'When you're in a Hole, ... STOP digging'?)

Steven: "It's my male menopause time of the month, ..."
Jack: Boy! Did Owl call this one, or what!?!?

Thanks for the info, Jack. It DOES look good. I don't give a fuck about what's in it, it LOOKS good to me. And YOU'RE the one in the hole, NOT me. I enjoy my life to the fullest, I DO love life. You most likely can't say the same.
Thanks for the info, Jack. It DOES look good. I don't give a fuck about what's in it, it LOOKS good to me. And YOU'RE the one in the hole, NOT me. I enjoy my life to the fullest, I DO love life. You most likely can't say the same.

Yes. I have to hand it to Owl on this one. She popped your cherry on a nation-wide Political forum. (Sad)
Thanks for the info, Jack. It DOES look good. I don't give a fuck about what's in it, it LOOKS good to me. And YOU'RE the one in the hole, NOT me. I enjoy my life to the fullest, I DO love life. You most likely can't say the same.

Sounds like you are having an interesting night Brother Steven

Have you noticed how small so many people have become?

America deeply deserves what is coming.

We used to be better.
Sounds like you are having an interesting night Brother Steven

Have you noticed how small so many people have become?

America deeply deserves what is coming.

We used to be better.

Yep, I'm having a GREAT night. I feel REALLY good right now. I have no head pain OR pain in my feet, which I often do have because of diabetes. I'm totally sober, I haven't had a drop of alcohol tonight. And THAT feels good. I'm feeling great because today is the birthday of THE greatest country in the world, the USA. 244 years old and still going strong. I DO love this country and I feel SO fortunate to reside here. I love my life, my sister, our kitties, and my good friends. Everything IS good.
Yep, I'm having a GREAT night. I feel REALLY good right now. I have no head pain OR pain in my feet, which I often do have because of diabetes. I'm totally sober, I haven't had a drop of alcohol tonight. And THAT feels good. I'm feeling great because today is the birthday of THE greatest country in the world, the USA. 244 years old and still going strong. I DO love this country and I feel SO fortunate to reside here. I love my life, my sister, our kitties, and my good friends. Everything IS good.

Just don't you DARE put anchovies on my pizza!;)
Yes. I have to hand it to Owl on this one. She popped your cherry on a nation-wide Political forum. (Sad)

You really ARE an IDIOT, Jack. The last couple days I thought, hey, maybe you're not as dumb as I thought you were. You are. And I'm DONE with your sorry ass on these threads. You have been dismissed.
Yep, I'm having a GREAT night. I feel REALLY good right now. I have no head pain OR pain in my feet, which I often do have because of diabetes. I'm totally sober, I haven't had a drop of alcohol tonight. And THAT feels good. I'm feeling great because today is the birthday of THE greatest country in the world, the USA. 244 years old and still going strong. I DO love this country and I feel SO fortunate to reside here. I love my life, my sister, our kitties, and my good friends. Everything IS good.

Well we certainly part company here, as I say that the Constitution is almost dead and that the Maoist Mobs on the street fully intend to finish the kill.

Sorry to hear about your feet, I almost never get that.
Well we certainly part company here, as I say that the Constitution is almost dead and that the Maoist Mobs on the street fully intend to finish the kill.

Sorry to hear about your feet, I almost never get that.

But our great country WILL live on because of the sheer number of good, patriotic Republicans and Conservatives we have among us. We outnumber the anti-American and unpatriotic Democrats, this country WILL endure because of this. If you DON'T love this wonderful country of ours, you MAY want to consider moving to another one.
But our great country WILL live on because of the sheer number of good, patriotic Republicans and Conservatives we have among us. We outnumber the anti-American and unpatriotic Democrats, this country WILL endure because of this. If you DON'T love this wonderful country of ours, you MAY want to consider moving to another one.

This is always sad when I hear it, especially when the speaker has been given no indication that I dont love my people.

I am sad for what has happened to my people, and I am sad about what is coming,
This is always sad when I hear it, especially when the speaker has been given no indication that I dont love my people.

I am sad for what has happened to my people, and I am sad about what is coming,

But you DON'T love or even LIKE this great COUNTRY. You may want to consider moving to Canada, it IS fairly close to you. Or possibly Mexico or Venezuela, or somewhere in the Middle East. Just trying to help you out.
But you DON'T love or even LIKE this great COUNTRY. You may want to consider moving to Canada, it IS fairly close to you. Or possibly Mexico or Venezuela, or somewhere in the Middle East. Just trying to help you out.

Who are you and what did you do with Steven?

He is not an ignorant dick
Who are you and what did you do with Steven?

He is not an ignorant dick

Ha-ha! I LOVE this wonderful country of ours. Everything about it. OK, maybe not the Dim Dems, Liberal Lunatics, Socialists, or Communists. But I DO love the rest. Warts and all. This is MY country, and I'm proud to be a member of her. I thank God every waking moment that I was fortunate enough to be born in and still able to reside in, THE greatest country in the world. Happy Birthday, USA!
Ha-ha! I LOVE this wonderful country of ours. Everything about it. OK, maybe not the Dim Dems, Liberal Lunatics, Socialists, or Communists. But I DO love the rest. Warts and all. This is MY country, and I'm proud to be a member of her. I thank God every waking moment that I was fortunate enough to be born in and still able to reside in, THE greatest country in the world. Happy Birthday, USA!

I see no reason to rub your nose in the reality of what has become of this nation, and why.....just dont claim that I dont love my people.....that's a lie.
Ha-ha! I LOVE this wonderful country of ours. Everything about it. OK, maybe not the Dim Dems, Liberal Lunatics, Socialists, or Communists. But I DO love the rest. Warts and all. This is MY country, and I'm proud to be a member of her. I thank God every waking moment that I was fortunate enough to be born in and still able to reside in, THE greatest country in the world. Happy Birthday, USA!

I'm able to look past all the shit that's going on in our country now because I KNOW things WILL get better. I'm an incurable optimist, I ALWAYS try to think positive. This country of ours is too strong to be taken down by the anti-American and unpatriotic Democrats. This country WILL remain a Democratic Republic, and not turn into a globalist and socialist shithole that the Dems WANT this country to be. It's NOT going to happen.
I see no reason to rub your nose in the reality of what has become of this nation, and why.....just dont claim that I dont love my people.....that's a lie.

I never claimed you don't love your people. You DON'T love, or even LIKE, your COUNTRY. THERE'S the difference. I love my people AND my country.