I truly believe..........

There are several books that support my conclusions. One was written by Richard Belzer, yes, THAT Richard Belzer, and another one was written by Belzer and a co-author, detailing their findings after doing a LOT of research on the hideous assassination, which I term, "public execution". Belzer is now a serious guy, and his writing on the subject matter is EXTREMELY serious. I DON'T post links because the linkage system on this computer is NOT good. So just google "Richard Belzer, JFK Assassination" for details. And quit being SUCH a knucklehead on my threads, it doesn't look good on you.
So you're making a thread & telling me to goggle to prove your point.. & you're serious...

have fun
It's truly horrific how Oswald was set up, and also Jack Ruby. Ruby, of course, was sent by those involved in the assassination, to murder Oswald, just TWO DAYS LATER, so Oswald wouldn't or COULDN'T talk. And then years later, many believe Ruby, while in prison, was injected with an obscure form of cancer, before he could take the witness stand to tell about what HE knew about the assassination. He, of course, DID die of cancer VERY shortly before he was scheduled to testify in court.

Ruby died like Epstein.
It's truly horrific how Oswald was set up, and also Jack Ruby. Ruby, of course, was sent by those involved in the assassination, to murder Oswald, just TWO DAYS LATER, so Oswald wouldn't or COULDN'T talk. And then years later, many believe Ruby, while in prison, was injected with an obscure form of cancer, before he could take the witness stand to tell about what HE knew about the assassination. He, of course, DID die of cancer VERY shortly before he was scheduled to testify in court.

Oswald died like Epstein. Just before the truth came out.
That Lee Harvey Oswald WAS a patsy, and was obviously set up to take the blame for the assassination of JFK. And I truly believe he did NOT fire a single shot. I've done some extensive reading about the horrific assassination to come to this conclusion.

Water under the bridge at this point, no one will ever know, right up there with Bruno Hauptmann, Sacco and Vanzetti, Dr Richard Kimble, and scores of others