I want $10,000 dollars, Dixie

1. "Translations" of the Golden Rule are not eligible, sorry.
2. Weird-ass Pinhead Bibles that no one has heard of, are not eligible, sorry.
3. Greek and Hebrew translations do not apply, sorry.

No prize for Waterhead, soooorry.


Tens of millions of people use and read english translations, other than the King James version.

Your 10 thousand dollar challenge didn't specify that we had to limit ourselves only to the king james version
And he said commonly known as the golden rule....and Mathew 7:12 is COMMONLY KNOWN AS THE GOLDEN RULE.

Dixie needs to give a link to where he got his terming of the golden rule....
1. "Translations" of the Golden Rule are not eligible, sorry.
2. Weird-ass Pinhead Bibles that no one has heard of, are not eligible, sorry.
3. Greek and Hebrew translations do not apply, sorry.

No prize for Waterhead, soooorry.

Dixie: Weird-ass Pinhead Bibles that no one has heard of, are not eligible, sorry....No prize for Waterhead, soooorry

"Choosing a Bible Translation to Read"

"Today there exists a plethora of reliable English translations with different study notes to help readers consider the meaning of the original text.

The New International Version (NIV) is the most widely read English translation. It is very readable and aims to capture the idea-by-idea meaning of the original texts. The New Living Translation (NLT) is a contemporary translation that is also easy to read and aims to capture the impact of the original text while adhering to its general sense."



Dixie, your original 10 thousand dollar challenge, was not limited to the King James translation. You only made that a criteria after your challenge was taken, and Watermark won your challenge.

As demonstrated above, the so-called "weird ass translations, no one's ever heard of" are actually widely read and well known.
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Dixie: Weird-ass Pinhead Bibles that no one has heard of, are not eligible, sorry....No prize for Waterhead, soooorry

"Choosing a Bible Translation to Read"

"Today there exists a plethora of reliable English translations with different study notes to help readers consider the meaning of the original text.

The New International Version (NIV) is the most widely read English translation. It is very readable and aims to capture the idea-by-idea meaning of the original texts. The New Living Translation (NLT) is a contemporary translation that is also easy to read and aims to capture the impact of the original text while adhering to its general sense."



Dixie, your original 10 thousand dollar challenge, was not limited to the King James translation. You only made that a criteria after your challenge was taken, and Watermark won your challenge.

As demonstrated above, the so-called "weird ass translations, no one's ever heard of" are actually widely read and well known.

Go back to the POST, I WON, I was the second poster, Dixie's question then I post the NIV version of matthew 7:12 along with 3 others....

I win the 10k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not watermark... ;)
Go back to the POST, I WON, I was the second poster, Dixie's question then I post the NIV version of matthew 7:12 along with 3 others....

I win the 10k!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! not watermark... ;)
Oh, this reminds me of the two guys who caught Barry Bonds' 73rd homerun in 2001. Now you've got to take Watermark to court and sue him for custody of the ten kay.
I just sent in as many translation as google presented. Many of those are as widely read, or even more widely read, than the KJ version that you seem to limit yourself to.
Oh, this reminds me of the two guys who caught Barry Bonds' 73rd homerun in 2001. Now you've got to take Watermark to court and sue him for custody of the ten kay.

you see, I realize this is CYBER money, the 10 k....but I still want Dixie to recognize that I won his offer...

Watermark needs the 10k.... and honestly, he deserves the 10 k because he took the time to google it and get the Bible verse and I knew the verse by heart....I really thought that most people would just walk away from this silly bet of Dixie's, but a bunch of people spent their time rehashing Bible verses and how their intent was the same as the Golden rule.........and how, many users, that I had thought of as Secularists, took the side of the BIBLE no less, saying that 'it did mean the same thing as the Golden Rule'....:D

Priceless! Absolutely priceless for someone who's a Believer of it all ;), like me...it made me chuckle and it made me smile....and of course you have to know...that I saw God's hand in it! (Now leave me be on this, I am allowed to think what I want! hahahahaha!)

Look, everyone knows Dixie doesn't have $10,000. His position is ridiculous anyhow. He cannot admit when he is wrong. You can prove it ad infinitum, you can use his own words that contradict eachother to the nth degree, and he still will not ever accept that he's wrong all the time.

A certain mathematical position of his comes to mind.