I was wrong

no asshole

your party has gone insane not mine

Your party is the only one ever to commit treason, vis-à-vis seceding and militarily attacking America. So, when it comes to sanity, I like the track-record of the GOP (and LP, Reform, Know-Nothing, Antimasonic, etc.) better than the Democratic Party's
he is a con man just like trump

follow the facts

reexamine what you were taught

you have shown great integrity hereby admitting you were mistaken

my disappointment is with Ted Cruz's decision to support Trump despite months of saying otherwise. My disappointment is not the message and vision for the country that he and others like him had regarding the constitution and the role of government.
my disappointment is with Ted Cruz's decision to support Trump despite months of saying otherwise.

.....Pretty-much like every-OTHER Republican who's desperate for a win.

Hey.....ya' "reap what you sow".....and, no one knows that, better, than Reince Priebus!!!!



".....And, I get to blame it on TRUMP!!!!!!"
He's a politician Miss Norah, don't get too absorbed in them. NONE of them are completely trustworthy.

I know but it's still disappointing. I think in his heart he knows he is doing the wrong thing by publicly backing Trump but I do think that he probably feels like he has to back Trump if he wants an immediate future in politics as a senator because of the pressure on him from the party. It's disappointing because he was the type of person that I thought would be willing to risk his political future in order to hold firm to his principles and integrity.
I know but it's still disappointing. I think in his heart he knows he is doing the wrong thing by publicly backing Trump but I do think that he probably feels like he has to back Trump if he wants an immediate future in politics as a senator because of the pressure on him from the party. It's disappointing because he was the type of person that I thought would be willing to risk his political future in order to hold firm to his principles and integrity.

Yes I understand.
None of them will pass that standard. They can't really. Take Sanders, he isn't even a democrat, doesn't need the party to get elected but he rolled over and why ?


Politics is all about the money.

Which is why Trump is so importent. He is the only hope to change the game.

Is he perfect ? No. But if he wins it demonstrates to the deep pockets that they can be lived without.

Gotta think big picture young lady. You are young so your future will be shaped by the results of this election for a long time. I'm not young but my kid is graduating college this spring and the thought of a future with a hyperpartisan supreme court and all the rest is unthinkable.

Sorry you walk into your life as a citizen with things so messed up. Rotten luck.
I've been debating myself about whether or not to do this but since during the relatively short amount of time that I was a member here I often spoke passionately about Ted Cruz and inspired by Ted Cruz and so I felt that I needed to come back and share this. With Ted Cruz recently announcing that he will be voting for Donald Trump I felt the need to say that I was wrong about him and that I was naive in my trust of his convictions regarding Trump. When he announced that he will be voting for Trump I felt like a fool, I felt embarrassed, and I felt betrayed in some ways.I understand that it is his right to change his mind and I can't fault him for that, but I do not agree with his choice.

You have integrity.
It could be argued that his support of Trump is the least deplorable action the idiot has taken in recent years. You support the shutdown of the govt, but you draw the line at his support of Trump?

The "shutdown of the government?" Ain't that a hoot?

Number one, alleged government shutdowns are a comedy show. The only things allegedly shut down are 'NON-ESSENTIAL" government services and the feds consider just about everything they do as being "ESSENTIAL." Therefore very little actually gets shut down and after every alleged shutdown every government employee that was furloughed got back pay. Whooptedy-doo! Some fucking shutdown, huh?

Number two, every government alleged shutdown is caused by a disagreement within the government. For your biased and absurd opinions, it takes TWO to Tango! Alleged government shutdowns are actuall "EQUALLY" caused by a disagreement between hugely partisan Democrats and hugely partisan Republicans who pretend they're opposed to each other then go down the street and have several beers with each-other. It's a fucking duopoly silly game played for the duopoly dictatorship's dupes and it's your turn in the barrel.
....i.e.....when you're absolutely-clueless about the political-process/politics-in-general....you resort to......

Unless you're a brain-dead communist like you supporting the most corrupt bitch in the history of American politicians, huh commie?
It could be argued that his support of Trump is the least deplorable action the idiot has taken in recent years. You support the shutdown of the govt, but you draw the line at his support of Trump?

The idiocy is yours......if you believe the left wing communist propaganda that the government will be "shut down" if congress fails to agree on a budget and the sitting left wing president "threatens" to veto another CR....by blaming congress on his parties own mismanagement. The only things SHUT DOWN would be those things that are superfluous to maintaining a working central government...i.e., THE BULLSHIT red tape organizations and pet peeves of the democrats.

The only thing effected by a supposed (left wing buzz word) SHUT DOWN would be those services "....not essential for the safety of human life and property." -- Congressional Record

A thing like this has happened many times before in US HISTORY...hell the vast majority of Obama's administration has spent money like a drunken sailor by simply proclaiming a "Continuing Resolution" without a ratified Budget. Such a lapse...should it ever occur while the liberals are calling WOLF! WOLF! you are attempting to shut down services vital to THE PEOPLE i.e., left wing propaganda.....would not be catastrophic or unprecedented as claimed by the communist left....in fact it would do nothing but reveal in CLEAR LIGHT...the waste propagated upon the people so the left can continue to use US TAX DOLLARS to purchase votes an maintain a captive voter base of poor people.

In fact according to THE RULE OF LAW...according to the constitution....a continued running of the nation by CR (continued resolution) is illegal if one dime is spent on things other than those things that are essential to defending both life and property....the purse string is not governed under such circumstance by the White House...its governed by STANDING LAW, "....No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in consequences of Appropriations made by law." -- Article One.

In other words...all federal obligations made by law...such as pension payments to veterans, Social Security Benefits...etc., would not nor could not be subject to NON-PAYMENT. Why? Because the lack of a budget or CR does not stop the TAX COLLECTOR from taking in over 3.3 TRILLION dollars per year. The only things effected would be those programs NOT ESSENTIAL to life and property. Meaning what? Those programs that are nothing but a duplicate service provided by each and every state in the union....Education, EPA...etc., for those federal organization...who spend money via inter office memo void of one approval from congressional law...would no longer be able to waste the tax payer monies as they see fit void of congressional oversight. In other words....only salaries to those ESSENTIAL would be maintained.

Oh What a shock...no more mandates void of any representation from the people by the political thugs at the Federal Dept of Education....the EPA..etc... Oh my...what would the people do? Its not like the states don't have a capacity to control their own educational programs or environmental issues....or safety concerns. LMAO.....I say...SHUT IT THE HELL DOWN...and expose the democrat threats and efforts to extort the people through fear mongering.

Educate yourself to the truth. Try reading the damn constitution instead of the Huffington Post or the NY TIMES.

Truth? It appears that only a mere handful of the supposed people's representatives found in DC...actually take time to read and comprehend their own laws on the books....or know that the people have been dumb downed so much through democrat propaganda that they fear losing in the next election after they are attacked by the press for demanding a WORKING BUDGET....void of waste.
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