I will write a haiku for each person that tells AHZ he's a dumbass on his wall

Stop being so obsessed with me. It makes you look gay. Gaywad.

It truly just means that I find your pathetic behavior, slightly amusing and entertaining.

But if you want to assign it one of your gay fantasies, that's OK; because it says more about you, then it does me.

I am slightly flattered and a little disturbed by it though. :cof1:
It truly just means that I find your pathetic behavior, slightly amusing and entertaining.

But if you want to assign it one of your gay fantasies, that's OK; because it says more about you, then it does me.

I am slightly flattered and a little disturbed by it though. :cof1:

Why do you find the truth disturbing? And why are you so gay?
Why do you find the truth disturbing? And why are you so gay?

I don't find it disturbing, that you are gay.
The fact that you're fantazing about me, is a little disturbing though.

I've just always been a pretty upbeat and happy kind of personality.
Since you asked, were you thinking of getting some therapy to help you with your mental condion??
I don't find it disturbing, that you are gay.
The fact that you're fantazing about me, is a little disturbing though.

I've just always been a pretty upbeat and happy kind of personality.
Since you asked, were you thinking of getting some therapy to help you with your mental condion??

Superior intelligence is not really a "condition".
Superior intelligence is not really a "condition".

But in your case, it will never even be a possibility.

And with that most excellent burn, I confine you to the depth's of despair that are in your fevered mind; because I'm not going to take part in yet another one of your attempts to turn a thread into your gay fantasies.
And Grind has an excellent thread here.
But in your case, it will never even be a possibility.

And with that most excellent burn, I confine you to the depth's of despair that are in your fevered mind; because I'm not going to take part in yet another one of your attempts to turn a thread into your gay fantasies.
And Grind has an excellent thread here.

Fine, puss out once again, cowardly shitmonger.
WHere's damo's haiku, grind, you liar butt?